

matlab mex

1. be careful with the data type. It messes up instead of telling you that there is some implicit conversion.


use vi to open two files at the same time.

from here

Sometimes you need to edit a new or existing file while looking at a separate file using VI. This can be very useful and a powerful time saver. Fortunately you can do this using some simple commands.

First go ahead and edit a file with VI
shellprompt$ vi test-1.txt
while in VI enter the following
This will open a new split screen session, in order to navigate between the two windows in VI do the following
Using the first will move you to the lower window and using the latter will move you to the upper window.
To make one of the windows full screen and out of the dual screen mode use the following
*Important Side Notes
If you used :new and opened up a new window session it will not have a name so you cannot save it without entering the following
:wq whatevername.txt
Also if you want to open a file in split screen mode that is not new and exists you can enter the following
:new /path/to/whateverfile


list only direcoties

>> ls -d */

to list hidden direcotories:

>> ls -d .*/


mac: move applications to different spaces.

You do not have to view all Spaces to move windows between them (That is, by pressing F8, then using your mouse to drag and drop the desired window to the desire Space location). Nor do you have to drag to a screen edge, wait, then drop. If you like to use your keyboard, here's a fast way to do it.

  1. Using your mouse, click and hold the window you want to move to another Space.
  2. While still holding your mouse button down, use your Spaces keyboard shortcut to move to the desired Space. This is usually done by pressing Control and one of the arrow keys.
The window you are holding will be moving with you as you change your Spaces. Once you reach your destination, release the mouse button.

[robg adds: You can also use this method to move the window directly to a numbered space -- just select the window, then press Control-1, -2, -3, etc. This is my preferred method of moving a window to a space, as it seems by far the quickest.]

source from here