

Gartner Highlights Key Predictions for IT Organisations and Users in 2008 and Beyond

Egham, UK, January 31, 2008 — Gartner, Inc. has highlighted 10 key predictions of events and developments that will affect IT and business in 2008 and beyond.

The predictions highlight areas where executives and IT professionals need to take action in 2008. The full impact of these trends may not appear this year, but executives need to act now so that they can exploit the trends for their competitive advantage.

"Selected from across our research areas as the most compelling and critical predictions, the trends and topics they address this year indicate a strong focus on individuals, the environment, and alternative ways of buying and selling IT services and technologies," said Daryl Plummer, managing vice president and Gartner Fellow. "These areas of focus imply a significant groundswell of change that may in turn change the entire industry."

These predictions are selected from more than 100 predictions that Gartner presents and reviews every year. These predictions focus on general technology areas rather than on specific industries or roles. This year's predictions include:

By 2011, Apple will double its U.S. and Western Europe unit market share in Computers. Apple's gains in computer market share reflect as much on the failures of the rest of the industry as on Apple's success. Apple is challenging its competitors with software integration that provides ease of use and flexibility; continuous and more frequent innovation in hardware and software; and an ecosystem that focuses on interoperability across multiple devices (such as iPod and iMac cross-selling).

By 2012, 50 per cent of traveling workers will leave their notebooks at home in favour of other devices. Even though notebooks continue to shrink in size and weight, traveling workers lament the weight and inconvenience of carrying them on their trips. Vendors are developing solutions to address these concerns: new classes of Internet-centric pocketable devices at the sub-$400 level; and server and Web-based applications that can be accessed from anywhere. There is also a new class of applications: portable personality that encapsulates a user's preferred work environment, enabling the user to recreate that environment across multiple locations or systems.

By 2012, 80 per cent of all commercial software will include elements of open-source technology. Many open-source technologies are mature, stable and well supported. They provide significant opportunities for vendors and users to lower their total cost of ownership and increase returns on investment. Ignoring this will put companies at a serious competitive disadvantage. Embedded open source strategies will become the minimal level of investment that most large software vendors will find necessary to maintain competitive advantages during the next five years.

By 2012, at least one-third of business application software spending will be as service subscription instead of as product license. With software as service (SaaS), the user organisation pays for software services in proportion to use. This is fundamentally different from the fixed-price perpetual license of the traditional on-premises technology. Endorsed and promoted by all leading business applications vendors (Oracle, SAP, Microsoft) and many Web technology leaders (Google, Amazon), the SaaS model of deployment and distribution of software services will enjoy steady growth in mainstream use during the next five years.

By 2011, early technology adopters will forgo capital expenditures and instead purchase 40 per cent of their IT infrastructure as a service. Increased high-speed bandwidth makes it practical to locate infrastructure at other sites and still receive the same response times. Enterprises believe that as service oriented architecture (SOA) becomes common "cloud computing" will take off, thus untying applications from specific infrastructure. This trend to accepting commodity infrastructure could end the traditional "lock-in" with a single supplier and lower the costs of switching suppliers. It means that IT buyers should strengthen their purchasing and sourcing departments to evaluate offerings. They will have to develop and use new criteria for evaluation and selection and phase out traditional criteria.

By 2009, more than one third of IT organizations will have one or more environmental criteria in their top six buying criteria for IT-related goods. Initially, the motivation will come from the wish to contain costs. Enterprise data centres are struggling to keep pace with the increasing power requirements of their infrastructures. And there is substantial potential to improve the environmental footprint, throughout the life cycle, of all IT products and services without any significant trade-offs in price or performance. In future, IT organisations will shift their focus from the power efficiency of products to asking service providers about their measures to improve energy efficiency.

By 2010, 75 per cent of organisations will use full life cycle energy and CO2 footprint as mandatory PC hardware buying criteria. Most technology providers have little or no knowledge of the full life cycle energy and CO2 footprint of their products. Some technology providers have started the process of life cycle assessments, or at least were asking key suppliers about carbon and energy use in 2007 and will continue in 2008. Most others using such information to differentiate their products will start in 2009 and by 2010 enterprises will be able to start using the information as a basis for purchasing decisions. Most others will stat some level of more detailed life cycle assessment in 2008.

By 2011, suppliers to large global enterprises will need to prove their green credentials via an audited process to retain preferred supplier status. Those organizations with strong brands are helping to forge the first wave of green sourcing policies and initiatives. These policies go well beyond minimizing direct carbon emissions or requiring suppliers to comply with local environmental regulations. For example, Timberland has launched a "Green Index" environmental rating for its shoes and boots. Home Depot is working on evaluation and audit criteria for assessing supplier submissions for its new EcoOptions product line.

By 2010, end-user preferences will decide as much as half of all software, hardware and services acquisitions made by IT. The rise of the Internet and the ubiquity of the browser interface have made computing approachable and individuals are now making decisions about technology for personal and business use. Because of this, IT organizations are addressing user concerns through planning for a global class of computing that incorporates user decisions in risk analysis and innovation of business strategy.

Through 2011, the number of 3-D printers in homes and businesses will grow 100-fold over 2006 levels. The technology lets users send a file of a 3-D design to a printer-like device that will carve the design out of a block of resin. A manufacturer can make scale models of new product designs without the expense of model makers. Or consumers can have models of the avatars they use online. Ultimately, manufacturers can consider making some components on demand without having an inventory of replacement parts. Printers priced less than $10,000 have been announced for 2008, opening up the personal and hobbyist markets.

About Gartner:
Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT) is the world's leading information technology research and advisory company. Gartner delivers the technology-related insight necessary for its clients to make the right decisions, every day. From CIOs and senior IT leaders in corporations and government agencies, to business leaders in high-tech and telecom enterprises and professional services firms, to technology investors, Gartner is the indispensable partner to 60,000 clients in 10,000 distinct organizations. Through the resources of Gartner Research, Gartner Consulting and Gartner Events, Gartner works with every client to research, analyze and interpret the business of IT within the context of their individual role. Founded in 1979, Gartner is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, U.S.A., and has 3,900 associates, including 1,200 research analysts and consultants in 75 countries. For more information, visit


Config VNC on debian (Sarge).

What VNC can do for you?

I have been using Linux for a long time. I cannot do anything without it. However, there are situations where I only have Windows or Mac. In my case I have a Mac laptop. I still want to work using my favorite Linux. What can I do? I can use ssh, but I don't have the GUI desktop. I want to have the GUI desktop. That is exactly what VNC can provide you. Look at the picture. This is the VNC on my Mac laptop. I can work JUST like in front of my Linux machine.

I can start my favorite editor, my Gimp etc. So your Linux machine is with you everywhere you go!

Cool! But how can I set up my VNC?

This is a two step process. First you need to set up your Linux machine. Second, you need a client to run on either you Windows or you Mac. Here I explain step by step.

Setup VNC server on your Linux machine

1. Install VNC server.
On Debian, if you use aptitude, you will see that you have vncserver, vnc-common, but also vnc4server and vnc4-common. Install vnc4server. This one seems to be easier to config, at least for me.
You can also use the following to install vnc4server ( you need to be root).
#apt-get install vnc4server

2. Set up the password for the first time and start the server.
Choose your desired window size and color depth, then, as an ordinary user, open a terminal and type (you don't need to be root):

$Vnc4server -geometry 1024x768 -depth 24

If this is your first time to use it, it will prompt you to create a password:

You will require a password to access your desktops.


This will save a scrambled password in the file ~/.vnc/passwd.

Once that's been done you can create a new server by invoking:

$ vnc4server
This will start a new server and show you the "desktop" it is running upon. This is something that you'll need to know when connecting to the server. Please note the information it pops, something like the following message.

New 'X' desktop is debian:1

Starting applications specified in /etc/X11/Xsession
Log file is /home/test/.vnc/debian:1.log

Here you need to remember that this is desktip:1.

Open the VNC viewer on your remote machine (see instructions following), enter the hostname:screen and password (use a hostname or IP that your client machine understands), and your Linux desktop will open in a window!

To kill the server enter a command similar to this, using the appropriate settings:

$ vnc4server -kill :1

The default is Gnome desktop. But you can change it to your favorite KDE if you want by the following steps.
1). go to the directory
cd ~/.vnc
emacs xstartup
2). When you edit xstartup, you just comment anything there originally. Write the following to the file

3). Save the file. Stop the VNC server by: vnc4server -kill :1
4). Start the server again by: vns4server -geometry 1024x768 -depth 24

You can configure the geometry option accordingly. I used

xxx@xxx: vnc4server -geometry 1440x850 :2

The reason for me to use 1440x850 is that I am using a mac with 1440x900. :2 meaning I take this one as my second.

Setup VNC client on your Mac or Windows.

On my Mac, I use "Chicken of the VNC". You can google to find it. It is really easy to configure. It works perfectly. Make sure that you remember the combo key for full screen mode. The default is "ctrl_alt_apple_`" (4 keys together). On Windows, I am sure there are corresponding programs.


The table of equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software in Linux. (Official site of the table)

The table of equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software in Linux. (Official site of the table)

One of the biggest difficulties in migrating from Windows to Linux is the lack of knowledge about comparable software. Newbies usually search for Linux analogs of Windows software, and advanced Linux-users cannot answer their questions since they often don't know too much about Windows :). This list of Linux equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software is based on our own experience and on the information obtained from the visitors of this page (thanks!).

This table is not static since new application names can be added to both left and the right sides. Also, the right column for a particular class of applications may not be filled immediately. In future, we plan to migrate this table to the PHP/MySQL engine, so visitors could add the program themselves, vote for analogs, add comments, etc.

If you want to add a program to the table, send mail to winlintable[a] with the name of the program, the OS, the description (the purpose of the program, etc), and a link to the official site of the program (if you know it). All comments, remarks, corrections, offers and bugreports are welcome - send them to winlintable[a]

1) By default all Linux programs in this table are free as in freedom. (Definitions of Free Software: FSF and Debian). Proprietary software for Linux is marked with the sign [Prop]. Non-free software (open source or relatively free, but have certain restrictive limits) is marked with the sign [NF].
2) If there is nothing in the field of the table, except "???" - the authors of the table do not know what to place there.
3) If the sign (???) stands after the name of the program - the authors of the table are not sure about this program.

The important ideological difference between Windows and Linux:
The majority of the Windows programs are made on principle "all-in-one" (each developer adds everything to his or her product). In the same way, this principle is called the "Windows-way".
The ideology of UNIX/Linux - one component or one program must execute only one task, but execute it well. ("UNIX-way"). The programs under Linux can be thought of as being like the LEGO building blocks. (for instance, if there is a program for spell checking, it can be used with the text editor or email client; or if there is the powerful command-line program for files downloading, it is simple to write the graphic interface (Front-end) for it, etc).
This principle is very important and it is necessary to know it while searching for analogs of Windows-programs in Linux :).

You can read more about it in the book "Linux and the Unix Philosophy". There is a chapter in the book that specifically addresses philosophical differences between Windows and Linux.

Attention! There may be many mistakes and bugs in the table!! (report about the bugs).

For those who interested more in Windows-software:
1) The "Windows" row in this table is not main. That's why it does not contains _absolutely_ all of existing software - only the best and popular programs.
2) Many of the Linux programs can be run on Windows - with CygWin and other Linux emulators.

The Sections:
1) Networking.
2) Work with files.
3) Desktop / System software.
4) Multimedia:
4.1) Audio / CD.
4.2) Graphics.
4.3) Video and other.
5) Office/business.
6) Games.
7) Programming and development.
8) Server software.
9) Scientific and special programs.
10) Emulators.
11) Other / Humour :).

Description of the program, executed task Windows Linux
1) Networking.
Web browser Internet Explorer, Netscape / Mozilla, Opera [Prop], Firefox, ... 1) Netscape / Mozilla.
2) Galeon.
3) Konqueror.
4) Opera. [Prop]
5) Firefox.
6) Nautilus.
7) Epiphany.
8) Links. (with "-g" key).
9) Dillo.
10) Encompass.
Console web browser 1) Links
2) Lynx
3) Xemacs + w3.
1) Links.
2) ELinks.
3) Lynx.
4) w3m.
5) Xemacs + w3.
Email client Outlook Express, Netscape / Mozilla, Thunderbird, The Bat, Eudora, Becky, Datula, Sylpheed / Claws Mail, Opera 1) Evolution.
2) Netscape / Mozilla/Thunderbird messenger.
3) Sylpheed / Claws Mail.
4) Kmail.
5) Gnus.
6) Balsa.
7) Bynari Insight GroupWare Suite. [Prop]
8) Arrow.
9) Gnumail.
10) Althea.
11) Liamail.
12) Aethera.
13) MailWarrior.
14) Opera.
Email client / PIM in MS Outlook style Outlook 1) Evolution.
2) Bynari Insight GroupWare Suite. [Prop]
3) Aethera.
4) Sylpheed.
5) Claws Mail
Email client in The Bat style The Bat 1) Sylpheed.
2) Claws Mail
3) Kmail.
4) Gnus.
5) Balsa.
Console email client Mutt [de], Pine, Pegasus, Emacs 1) Pine. [NF]
2) Mutt.
3) Gnus.
4) Elm.
5) Emacs.
News reader 1) Agent [Prop]
2) Free Agent
3) Xnews
4) Outlook
5) Netscape / Mozilla
6) Opera [Prop]
7) Sylpheed / Claws Mail
8) Dialog
9) Gravity
10) BNR2
1) Knode.
2) Pan.
3) NewsReader.
4) Netscape / Mozilla Thunderbird.
5) Opera [Prop]
6) Sylpheed / Claws Mail.
7) Pine. [NF]
8) Mutt.
9) Gnus.
10) tin.
11) slrn.
12) Xemacs.
13) BNR2.
Address book Outlook 1) Rubrica
Files downloading Flashget, Go!zilla, Reget, Getright, DAP, Wget, WackGet, Mass Downloader, ... 1) Downloader for X.
2) Caitoo (former Kget).
3) Prozilla.
4) Wget (console, standard).
5) GUI for Wget: Kmago, Gnome Transfer Manager, QTget, Xget, ...
6) Aria.
7) Axel.
8) Download Accelerator Plus.
9) GetLeft.
10) Lftp.
Sites downloading Teleport Pro, Httrack, Wget, ...

1) Httrack.
2) WWW Offline Explorer.
3) Wget (console, standard). GUI: Kmago, QTget, Xget, ...
4) Downloader for X.
5) Pavuk.
6) XSiteCopy.
7) GetLeft.
8) Curl (console).
9) Khttrack.

FTP-clients Bullet Proof FTP, CuteFTP, WSFTP, SmartFTP, FileZilla, ... 1) Gftp.
2) Konqueror.
3) KBear.
4) IglooFTP. [Prop]
5) Nftp.
6) Wxftp.
7) AxyFTP.
8) mc. (cd ftp://...)
9) tkFTP.
10) Yafc.
11) Dpsftp. (dead project)
Console FTP-clients FTP in Far, ftp.exe, Ncftp 1) Ncftp.
2) Lftp.
3) Avfs. (From any program: /#ftp:...)
IRC-clients Mirc, Klient, VIRC, Xircon, Pirch, XChat

1) Xchat.
2) KVirc.
3) Irssi.
4) BitchX.
5) Ksirc.
6) Epic.
7) Sirc.

Local network chat clients without server 1) QuickChat
2) Akeni
3) PonyChat
4) iChat
1) talk (console), ktalk.
2) Akeni.
3) Echat.
4) write, wall (chat between users of one machine)
Local messaging with Windows machines WinPopUp smbclient (console). GUI:
1) LinPopUp 2.
2) Kpopup.
3) Kopete.
Instant Messaging clients ICQ Lite, ICQ Corp, MSN, AIM, Yahoo, ...
Trillian ICQ (freeware, can replace all common IM clients), Miranda, Pidgin
1) Licq (ICQ).
2) Centericq (Nearly all IM protocols, console).
3) Alicq (ICQ).
4) Micq (ICQ).
5) GnomeICU (ICQ).
6) Pidgin. (Nearly all IM protocols)
7) Ayttm. (Nearly all IM protocols)
8) Kopete.
9) Everybuddy.
10) Simple Instant Messenger.
11) Imici Messenger.
12) Ickle (ICQ).
13) aMSN (MSN).
14) Kmerlin (MSN).
15) Kicq (ICQ).
16) YSM. (ICQ, console).
17) kxicq.
18) Yahoo Messenger for Unix.
19) Kmess (MSN).
20) AIM.
21) MSNre. (console)
Jabber IM clients JAJC, Tkabber (+activestate tcl), Psi, Exodus, WinJab, myJabber, RhymBox, Rival, Skabber, TipicIM, Vista, Yabber, Miranda, Pidgin., Akeni Messenger Jabber Edition 1) Tkabber.
2) Gabber.
3) Psi.
4) Pidgin..
5) Centericq (console).
6) Ayttm.
7) Akeni Messenger Jabber Edition.
Monitoring sites and mailboxes, displaying news headlines or full articles WatzNew 1) Web Secretary.
2) Knewsticker & korn.
3) Mozilla (???).
4) watch -n seconds lynx -dump
Video/audio conference NetMeeting

1) GnomeMeeting (Ekiga Now).
2) vat/vic/wb.
3) rat/wbd/nte.
4) NeVoT.
5) IVS.

Voice communication Speak Freely

1) Speak Freely for Unix.
2) TeamSpeak.

Firewall (packet filtering) BlackICE, ATGuard, ZoneAlarm, Agnitum Outpost Firewall, WinRoute Pro, Norton Internet Security, Sygate Personal Firewall PRO, Kerio Personal Firewall, ... iptables or more outdated ipchains (console, standard). Front ends:
1) Kmyfirewall.
2) Easy Firewall Generator.
3) Firewall Builder.
4) Shorewall.
5) Guarddog.
6) FireStarter.
7) Smoothwall. [Prop]
8) IPCop.
9) Zorp.
IDS (Intrusion Detection System) 1) BlackICE
2) Agnitum Outpost Firewall
3) Tripwire [prop]
4) Kerio Personal Firewall
1) Snort.
2) Portsentry / Hostsentry / Logsentry.
3) Tripwire [GPL].
4) Tripwall.
5) AIDE.
6) ViperDB.
7) Integrit.
8) Cerberus Intrusion Detection System.
Port scanning detection ??? 1) Pkdump.
Making the system more securely ??? 1) Bastille.
2) Linux Security Auditing Tool.
Visual route VisualRoute [Prop] 1) Xtraceroute.
2) VisualRoute. [Prop]
3) Mtr.
4) Geotrace.
Content (ad / popup) filtering Proxomitron, ATGuard, Agnitum Outpost Firewall, Privoxy, MS ISA server, Guidescope, ... 1) DansGuardian.
2) Squid.
3) Squidguard.
4) Privoxy.
5) JunkBuster.
6) Zorp.
7) Fork.
8) Redirector.
Traffic control / shaping WinRoute Pro, ... 1) IP Relay.
2) CBQ (from iproute2 package).
3) tc (from iproute2 package).
Traffic accounting

Netstat, Tmeter, ...

1) Tcp4me.
2) Getstatd.
3) Ipacct.
4) Ipac-ng.
5) Ipaudit.
6) Lanbilling.
7) SARG (full Squid traffic).
8) Talinux.
9) NetUP UserTrafManager.
10) MRTG.
11) NetTop.
Peer-to-peer clients / servers, file sharing (p2p) Morpheus (Gnutella), WinMX, Napster, KaZaA (Fasttrack), eDonkey [Prop], eMule, TheCircle, Bittorrent, SoulSeek, Direct Connect 1) Mldonkey. (eDonkey, Soulseek, Fasttrack, Gnutella, Open Napster, Direct Connect, BitTorrent)
2) LimeWire. (Gnutella)
3) Lopster. (OpenNAP)
4) Gnapster. (OpenNAP)
5) eDonkey. (eDonkey) [Prop]
6) cDonkey. (eDonkey)
7) Gift client / server / fasttrack plugin (Fasttrack)
8) ed2k_gui.
9) Gtk-Gnutella. (Gnutella)
10) Qtella. (Gnutella)
11) Mutella. (Gnutella, console)
12) TheCircle.
13) Freenet. (fully anonymous p2p)
14) GNUnet.
15) Lmule. (eDonkey)
16) Xmule. (eDonkey)
17) Bittorrent.
18) PySoulSeek (Soulseek).
19) Loophole. (WinMX) [Prop]
20) Direct Connect.
21) QuickDC. (Direct Connect).
22) OverNet.
23) Apollon.
24) GrapeWine. (fully anonymous p2p)
25) Snark. (Bittorrent)
26) Sancho (mldonkey frontend)
27) ktorrent
28) azureus
"Hotline" p2p protocol clients / servers ??? Clients:
1) Gtkhx.
2) Fidelio.
3) GHX. [Prop]
1) Synapse.
2) HSX.
Program for working with sound modem with many functions - from answerback and AON to fax device Venta Fax, PrimaFax 1) Gfax. (???)
2) PrimaFax. [Prop, 99$]
3) mgetty + voice + sendfax.
4) vgetty.
Work with faxes WinFax 1) HylaFax.
2) Fax2Send. [Prop]
3) Efax.
4) VSI-FAX. [Prop]
Dialup Vdialer, etc 1) Kppp.
2) X-isp.
3) wvdial. (Front ends: X-wvdial, kvdial, gtkdial).
4) Gppp.
5) Kinternet.
6) Rp3.
7) pppconfig + pon + poff.
8) Modem Lights.
9) Netcount. (console)
FTN editor Golded 1) Golded.
2) Golded+.
3) Msged.
4) Qded.
FTN tosser FastEcho, hpt 1) hpt.
2) CrashEcho.
3) Qecho.
4) CrashMail II.
5) Fidogate - gate to news.
6) ifmail - gate to news.
FTN mailer SF-Mail, T-Mail 1) ifcico.
2) qico.
3) Bforce.
4) Binkd.
Remote management 1) VNC, Virtual Network Computing
2) Remote Administrator (Radmin) [Prop]
3) Remote Assistance [Prop]
4) Symantec pcAnywhere [Prop]
5) Windows Terminal Server [Prop]
6) Rdesktop [Prop]
7) Radmin [Prop]
8) PC-Duo [Prop]
9) Huey PC Remote Control (only for NT) [Prop]
10) Timbuktu Pro [Prop]
11) LapLink [Prop]
12) GoToMyPC [Prop]
13) Bo2k and other trojans

1) VNC, Virtual Network Computing.
2) ssh.
3) Remote management is built-in in XFree86.
4) Remote management is built-in in KDE 3.1. ("desktop sharing").
5) Rdesktop Client.
6) rsh / rlogin.
7) telnet.
8) Gtelnet.
9) x0rfbserver.
10) KDE Universal Remote Desktop.

Transmission of the files on modem HyperTerminal, Terminate, etc 1) Minicom + lrzcz + Kermit.
2) Msterm.
3) Xtel.
4) uucp.
5) lrzsz + cu from uucp.
Work with ssh Putty, Irlex, cygwin + ssh 1) Kssh.
2) ssh / openssh.
3) GTelnet. (Telnet, SSH, Rlogin)
Network monitoring tool Dumeter, Netmedic 1) Gkrellm.
2) Big Brother.
3) Etherape.
4) Nagios.
5) Tkined.
6) MRTG.
7) Rrdtool.
8) PIKT.
9) Autostatus.
10) bcnu.
11) mon.
12) Sysmon.
13) Spong.
14) SNIPS.
15) iptraf (console).
16) Ksysguard.
17) OpenNMS.
18) tcpdump.
Network maintance tool HP OpenView, MS SMS, Tivoli 1) HP OpenView agents. [Prop]
2) Big Brother.
3) Cheops.
4) Tkined.
5) OpenNMS.
Protocols analysing, sniffing

Sniffer Pro, EtherPeek (TokenPeek, AiroPeek), Windump, Ethereal, MS Network Monitor, Iris, Lan Explorer, NetSniffer, Snort, ...

1) Ethereal.
2) Tcpdump.
3) Etherape.
4) Ntop.
5) ipxdump. (+ipxparse for parsing)
6) Snort.
Security scanner ShadowScan, ISS, Retina, Internet Scanner 1) Nessus.
2) Nmap.
Routing MS RRAS 1) iproute2 + iptables.
2) GateD. [Prop]
3) GNU Zebra.
Utilites and libraries for Ethernet/IP testing lcrzo lcrzo
IP-telephony (VoIP) Buddyphone [Prop], Cisco SoftPhone, Skype 1) GNU Bayonne.
2) Openh323.
3) OpenPhone.
4) tkPhone.
5) NauPhone.
6) Twinkle
7) Ekiga (formely known as GnomeMeeting)
8) Gizmo [NF?] (win+mac version also)
9) Kphone
11) Linphone
12) Skype [NF]
Sharing data/files Windows shares 1) NFS.
2) Samba.
3) Samba-TNG.
4) FTP.
??? Windows Domain, Active Directory 1) Samba.
2) Ldap.
3) yp.
Viewing Windows-network Network neighborhood 1) Samba.
2) KDE Lan Browser, lisa
3) LinNeighborhood.
4) xSMBrowser.
5) Komba2.
6) Konqueror.
ADSL 1) RASPPPOE 1) rp-pppoe.
2) Pptp client.
Distributed computing

All projects.
1) United Devices.
2) Seti @ Home.
3) Folding @ Home.
4) Genome @ Home.

All projects.
2) Seti @ Home.
3) Folding @ Home.
4) Genome @ Home.
5) D2ol.
* Some versions for Linux run only in console mode.
IPSEC protocol - FreeSWAN.
VRML viewer and editor


1) White Dune.
Work with Ebay ??? 1) Bidwatcher.
2) Work with files.
File manager in FAR and NC style FAR, Norton Commander, Disco Commander, Volcov Commander, etc 1) Midnight Commander.
2) X Northern Captain.
3) Deco (Demos Commander).
4) Portos Commander.
5) Konqueror in MC style.
6) Gentoo.
7) VFU.
8) Ytree.
File manager in Windows Commander style Total Commander (former Windows Commander) 1) Krusader.
2) Kcommander.
3) FileRunner (TCL/TK).
4) Linux Commander.
5) LinCommander.
6) Rox, Rox-Filer.
7) Emelfm.
8) Midnight Commander.
9) Worker.
File manager in Windows style Windows Explorer / Internet Explorer 1) Konqueror.
2) Gnome-Commander.
3) Nautilus.
4) Endeavour Mark II.
5) XWC.
Visual Shell ??? 1) vshnu: the New Visual Shell.
Quick viewing of local HTML documents 1) Internet Explorer
2) Microsoft Document Explorer
1) Dillo. (Russian language patches - here).
2) Konqueror.
3) Nautilus.
4) Lynx / Links.
Viewing all operations with files Filemon Filemon.
Work with UDF Roxio (former Adaptec) UDF Reader, Roxio Direct CD Linux-UDF.
Work with multi session CD + recovering information from faulty multi session disks IsoBuster CDFS.
Work with compressed files 1) WinZip
2) WinRar
3) 7-Zip
4) WinACE
5) UltimateZip

1) Ark (kdeutils).
2) Gnozip.
3) KArchiveur.
4) Gnochive.
5) FileRoller.
6) Unace.
7) LinZip.
8) TkZip.

Console archivers arj, rar, zip, tar, gzip, bzip2, lha... 1) tar, gzip, bzip2.
2) Unarc.
3) Lha. (on Japanese)
4) Infozip.
5) Arj.
6) Avfs. (The support of any archive from any program -
7) Zoo.
8) RAR.
9) CAB Extract
10) 7-zip .
Program for files and directories comparison 1) Beyond Compare.
2) Araxis Merge.
3) WinMerge
4) Minimalist GNU For Windows (diff.exe)
5) Unison
6) kdiff3

1) Mgdiff.
2) diff, patch.
3) Xemacs.
4) Xdelta. (make patches for binary files)
5) Meld.
6) Xxdiff.
7) Unison
8) kdiff3
9) kompare .

Batch file renaming Plugins to TotalCommander, ... 1) GPRename. (Perl-based)
2) Plugins for MC (???)
3) Desktop / System software.
Text editor Notepad, WordPad, TextPad, Vim, Xemacs, ...

1) Kedit (KDE).
2) Gedit (Gnome).
3) Gnotepad.
4) Kate (KDE).
5) KWrite (KDE).
6) Nedit.
7) Vim.
8) Xemacs.
9) Xcoral.
10) Nvi.
11) Ozeditor.

Console text editor 1) Vim
2) Emacs
3) Editor from FAR, editor from DN, ...

1) Vim.
2) Emacs.
3) Nano. (It's a free implementation of pico)
4) joe.
5) Fte.
6) Jed.
7) CoolEdit.

Multi-purpose text and source code editor SciTE, UltraEdit, MultiEdit, Vim, Xemacs, ...

1) Kate (KDE).
2) Nedit.
3) CodeCommander.
4) SciTE.
5) Quanta Plus.
6) Vim.
7) Xemacs.
8) Mcedit (comes with mc).
9) Jed.
10) Setedit. (Turbo Vision looking style)
11) HT editor.

Text editor with cyrillic encodings support Bred, Rpad32, Aditor, Vim, Xemacs

1) Kate (KDE).
2) Nedit.
3) Fte (console).
4) Patched version of Midnight Commander.
5) Vim.
6) Xemacs.

Viewing PostScript

1) RoPS
2) GhostView

1) GhostView.
2) Kghostview.
3) GV.
4) GGV.
Viewing PDF 1) Adobe Acrobat Distiller
2) GhostView
1) Adobe Reader. [Prop]
2) Xpdf.
3) GV.
4) GGV.
5) GhostView.
6) Kghostview.
7) Kpdf
Creating PDF 1) Adobe Acrobat Distiller
2) GhostView
3) Ghostscript
1) Any Linux WYSIWYG program -> print to file -> ps2pdf. (Here's an article about this).
2) Adobe Acrobat Distiller. [Prop]
3) PStill. [Shareware]
4) PDFLatex.
5) Xfig.
6) Ghostscript.
7) Tex2Pdf.
8) Reportlab.
9) GV.
10) GGV.
11) GhostView.
12) Kghostview.
13) Panda PDF Generator.
Crypto PGP, GnuPG + Windows Privacy Tools 1) GnuPG (console) + GPA, KGpg, and other frontends.
2) PGP. [Prop]
Disc volume encryption EFS (standard), PGP-Disk, BestCrypt, Private Disk Light 1) Loop-aes.
2) CFS.
3) TCFS.
4) BestCrypt.
5) CryptFS.
Task scheduler mstask, nnCron cron, at (standard, console). GUI: Kcron.
Outlook scheduler Outlook scheduler 1) KOrganizer.
Virtual CD VirtualDrive, VirtualCD, Daemon Tools, ... 1) Virtual CD Kernel Modul.
2) "cp /dev/cdrom mycd.iso" + "mount -o loop mycd.iso /mnt/cdrom/".
Text recognition (OCR) Recognita, FineReader 1) ClaraOcr.
2) Gocr.
3) Kooka.
4) OCRopus.
Translators (cyrillic) Promt, Socrat Ksocrat (???)
Eng-rus dictionaries (cyrillic) 1) ABBYY Lingvo
2) Socrat
3) JaLingvo
4) phpMyLingvo
1) Mueller.
2) Ksocrat.
3) JaLingvo.
4) phpMyLingvo.
5) dict+Kdict.
6) DictX.
7) Groan.
8) Mova.
9) Slowo.
10) Stardict.
Work with scanner Programs on CD with scanner, VueScan 1) Xsane.
2) Kooka.
3) Xvscan. [Prop]
4) VueScan. [Prop]
Antivirus AVG AntiVirus, NAV, Dr. Web, TrendMicro, F-Prot, Kaspersky, ... 1) Dr. Web. [Prop]
2) Trend ServerProtect. [Prop]
3) RAV Antivirus. [Prop] (Bought by Microsoft?)
4) OpenAntivirus + AMaViS / VirusHammer.
5) F-Prot. [Prop]
6) Sophie / Trophie.
7) Clam Antivirus.
8) Kaspersky. [Prop]
9) YAVR.
System configuration Control Panel, Msconfig, RegEdit, WinBoost, TweakXP, Customizer XP, X-Setup, PowerToys, Config NT, ...

1) setup (Red Hat).
2) chkconfig (Red Hat).
3) redhat-config-. (Red Hat 8.0).
4) xf86config, xf86cfg.
5) Linuxconf.
6) Drakeconf.
7) Webmin.
8) yast and yast2 (SuSE).
9) sysinstall (FreeBSD).
10) /dev/hands :).

Boot managers System Commander, PowerQuest Boot Magic, GAG, ... 1) Grub.
2) Lilo.
3) ASPLoader.
4) Acronis OS Selector [Prop].
5) Ranish Partition Manager.
6) osbs.
7) Symon.
8) Smart Boot Manager.
9) Xosl.
10) GAG.
Hard disk partitions manager 1) PowerQuest Partition Magic [Prop]
2) Acronis PartitionExpert [Prop]
3) Paragon Partition Manager [Prop]
4) Partition Commander [Prop]

1) PartGUI. (GUI for partimage and parted)
2) GNU Parted. (GUI - QTParted).
3) Partition Image.
4) fips.
5) Diskdrake (Mandrake).
6) Paragon Partition Manager [Prop].
7) Acronis PartitionExpert [Prop]. (review)

LVM + soft-RAID + parted + ... -


Backup software ntbackup (standard), Legato Networker [Prop] 1) Legato Networker. [Prop]
2) Lonetar. [Prop]
3) Disk Archive.
4) Bacula.
5) Taper.
6) dump / restore. (console, standard)
7) Amanda (console).
8) Mondo Rescue. (backups that boot and auto restore themselves to disk)
Making images of disk partitions 1) DriveImage
2) Ghostpe
1) PartitionImage (GUI - PartGUI).
2) dd (console, standard).
3) Mondo Rescue.
Machine mirroring over network 1) ImageCast
2) Norton Ghost

1) UDP Cast.
2) Techteam's UDP Cast Disks.
3) Ghost for Unix (g4u).

Task manager TaskMan (standard), TaskInfo, ProcessExplorer NT. 1) top (console, standard).
2) Gtop, Ktop.
3) Ksysguard.
4) "ps aux|more", "kill "
Automatic switch between English and Russian when you type Punto Switcher, Keyboard Ninja, Snoop XNeur
Mouse gestures Sensiva 1) Kgesture.
2) wayV.
3) Optimoz.
TV program ??? Home Portal.
Text to speech MS text to speech 1) KDE Voice Plugins.
2) Festival.
3) Emacspeak.
4) VoiceText.
Speech recognition ViaVoice, DragonNaturally Speaking Yes, there are no usable speech recognition packages. But:
1) Sphinx.
2) ViaVoice. (almost dead...)
Stream text processing 1) Minimalist GNU For Windows (sed.exe)
2) perl
1) sed, awk.
2) perl.
PIM / DB / hierarchical notebook with tree view TreePad [Prop], Leo, CueCards 1) TreePad Lite. [Prop]
2) Yank.
3) TreeLine.
4) Gjots.
5) Leo.
6) Hnb - hierarchical notebook.
7) TuxCards.
Program for quick switching between resolutions and frequencies Integrated with system, comes on CD with video card

1) Multires.
2) Ctrl+Alt+"-", Ctrl+Alt+"+".
3) Fbset. (when using framebuffer)

Search and replace text in files 1) Integrated with system
2) Indexing service
3) HTMLChanger
4) Any file manager
1) find (console, standard).
2) slocate (console, standard).
1) Gsearchtool.
2) Kfind.
3) Any file manager
Local search engine with SGBD for indexing

1) Indexing service (???)
2) mnoGoSearch. [prop for Windows]

1) mnoGoSearch.
2) ASPSeek.

System monitoring System monitor (built-in) 1) top (console, standard).
2) Gkrellm.
3) Ksysguard.
4) Survivor.
5) "Hot-babe". (If you can be shocked by nudity, don't use it :).
6) htop
Program for logs viewing Event Viewer (built-in)

1) Xlogmaster.
2) Analog.
3) Fwlogview. (firewall)

Data Recovery Tools R-Studio (supports Linux partitions) 1) e2undel.
2) myrescue.
3) TestDisk.
4) unrm.
5) Channel 16.
Text files encoder with automatic detection of character set ???

1) Enca.
2) Jconv.
3) Xcode. (cyrillic)
4) Asrecod. (cyrillic)

Alarm clock MindIt! 1) KAlarm.
Work with Palm Palm Desktop 1) Kpilot.
2) Jpilot.
Allows to carry on Palm .html files iSilo 1) iSilo.
2) Plucker.
Low-level optimization
(chipset, pci-bus)

1) Powertweak-Linux.

Bible On-Line Bible, The SWORD 1) BibleTime (KDE)
2) Gnomesword (Gnome)
Convenient mouse scrolling Mouse Imp


Automatic change of desktop background ??? 1) Background Buddy.
Convenient switching of the keyboard language ???

1) GSwitchIt.

Windows registry editor RegEdit Kregedit :).
4.1) Multimedia (audio / CD).
Useful links: - Linux MIDI & Sound Applications - many links and resources.
Sound Software - lots of it.
Music / mp3 / ogg players

1) Winamp
2) Zinf
3) SnackAmp
4) Soritong
5) Apollo
6) K-jofol 2000
7) Sonique
8) C-4
9) Media Box Audio / Video Workstation 5
10) Blaze Media Pro
11) NEX 3
12) Real Jukebox
13) Windows Media Player

1) XMMS (X multimedia system).
2) Noatun.
3) Zinf. (former Freeamp)
4) Winamp.
5) Xamp.
6) GQmpeg.
7) SnackAmp.
8) Mplayer. (Frontend: Kplayer).
9) Xine. (Frontends: Sinek, Totem)
10) Amarok
Console music / mp3 / ogg players mpg123, dosamp, Mplayer

1) Cplayer.
2) mpg123.
3) ogg123.
4) mpg321.
5) Orpheus.
6) Mp3blaster.
7) Madplay.
8) Console utils for xmms.
9) Mplayer.

Programs for CD/DVD burning with GUI Nero, Roxio Easy CD Creator, ... 1) K3b.
2) XCDRoast.
3) KOnCd.
4) Eclipt Roaster.
5) Gnome Toaster.
6) CD Bake Oven.
7) KreateCD.
8) SimpleCDR-X.
9) GCombust.
10) WebCDWriter. (CD burn server, usable from any remote browser with Java support)
11) CDR Toaster.
12) Arson.
13) CD-Me (Creation of audio-CD).
14) Nero [Prop]
CD player CD player, Winamp, Windows Media Player, ... 1) KsCD.
2) Gtcd (Gnome) + tcd (console).
3) Orpheus. (console)
4) Sadp.
5) WorkMan.
6) Xmcd.
7) Grip.
8) XPlayCD.
9) ccd / cccd. (console)
10) cdp. (console)
11) BeboCD.
Slowing the rotation of CD Slowcd, Cdslow 1) mount -o speed=
2) hdparm -E
3) eject -x
4) cdspeed.
CD ripping / grabbing 1) Cdex
2) MusicMatch
3) Streambox Ripper
4) Audiocatalyst
5) WinDac
6) Audiograbber
7) Media Box Audio / Video Workstation
8) CD-Copy
9) Blaze Media Pro
10) Real Jukebox
11) Windows Media Player
12) Nero
13) VirtualDrive
14) VirtualCD
15) Audacity
1) Grip.
2) Audacity.
3) RipperX.
4) tkcOggRipper.
5) A Better CD Encoder.
6) cdda2wav.
7) Gnome Toaster.
8) Cdparanoia.
9) Cd2mp3.
10) Dagrab.
11) SimpleCDR-X.
12) RatRip.
13) AutoRip.
14) Sound Juicer.
Tracker music player Winamp, Windows Media Player, ... 1) xmms + MikMod-plugin. Comes with xmms.
2) xmms + xmp-plugin. Using xmp.
3) MikMod. (console)
4) xmp. Can play tracker music with Midi devices.
5) TiMidity++. Only mod files.
Midi player Winamp, Windows Media Player, ... 1) xmms + midi-plugin. (Using TiMidity)
2) xmms + awemidi-plugin. (Using drvmidi)
3) xmms + playmidi-plugin. (Using playmidi)
4) TiMidity++. Supports gus pathes and sf2 banks, backend to another software.
4) timidity-eawpatches. Gus-patches for TiMidity++.
5) Kmid.
6) drvmidi / awemidi.
7) pmidi (console, for ALSA).
8) playmidi.
9) atmidi.
Midi + karaoke player VanBasco 1) Kmid.
2) Gkaraoke.
3) TiMidity++.
Mp3 encoders

1) Lame
2) Cdex
3) MusicMatch
4) Streambox Ripper
5) Audiocatalyst
6) Blaze Media Pro
7) Media Box Audio / Video Workstation
8) AudioSlimmer
9) Real Jukebox

1) Lame.
2) Bladeenc.
3) NotLame.
4) L3enc. [Prop]
5) gogo.
OGG encoders oggenc oggenc.
Work with Real protocol 1) RealPlayer. [Prop]
2) Mplayer + libraries.
1) RealPlayer. [Prop]
2) Mplayer + libraries.
3) ReMedial.
Radio VC Radio, FMRadio, Digband Radio 1) xradio.
2) cRadio.
3) Xmradio.
4) RDJ.
5) RadioActive.
6) XMMS-FMRadio.
7) Gqradio.
8) Qtradio.
9) streamtuner
Audio editors SoundForge, Cooledit, Audacity, ... 1) Glame.
2) Rezound.
3) Sweep.
4) WaveForge.
5) Sox.
6) Audacity.
7) GNUSound.
8) Ecasound.
9) SoundStudio.
10) mhWaveEdit.
Multitrack audio processor Cubase 1) Ecasound.
2) Ardour.
Sound tracker Fasttracker, ImpulseTracker 1) Soundtracker.
2) Insotracker.
3) CheeseTracker.
Sound mixer sndvol32 1) Opmixer.
2) aumix.
3) mix2000.
4) KMix.
5) Alsamixer.
6) GMix.
7) wmix (for WindowMaker)
8) Mixer_app (for WindowMaker)
9) Many applets for AfterStep / WindowMaker / FluxBox.
Software for music notation Finale, Sibelius, SmartScore 1) LilyPond.
2) Noteedit.
3) MuX2d.
Midi-sequencer Cakewalk 1) RoseGarden.
2) Brahms.
3) Anthem.
4) Melys.
5) MuSE.
6) MidiMountain. (KDE)
More infrormation: Midi-Howto.
Music creation Cakewalk, FruityLoops 1) RoseGarden.
2) Ardour.
Synthesizer Virtual waves, Csound

1) Csound.
2) FluidSynth.
3) Arts Builder (???).

ID3-Tag Editors Mp3tag

1) EasyTAG.
2) Cantus.
3) id3tool (console).
4) id3ed (console).
5) id3edit (console).

Guitar/Instrument Tuning software 1) In-Tune Multi-Instrument Tuner
2) Digital Guitar Tuner


Record streaming audio into .MP3 files Twins Stream Ripper

Stream Ripper.

4.2) Multimedia (graphics).
Graphic files viewer 1) ACDSee
2) IrfanView
3) Xnview
4) CompuPic [Prop]
5) Windows Fax and Image viewer
5) Any web browser

1) Xnview.
2) GQview.
3) Qiv.
4) CompuPic [Prop]
5) Kuickshow.
6) Kview.
7) GTKSee.
8) xv. [Prop]
9) pornview.
10) imgv.
11) Gwenview.
12) Gliv.
13) Showimg.
14) Fbi.
15) Gthumb.
16) PixiePlus.
17) Electric Eyes (Gnome).
18) Eye of Gnome.
19) GImageView.
20) Hugues Image Viewer.
21) Any web browser.

Viewing the graphic files in console QPEG 1) zgv.
2) aalib.
Simple graphic editor Paint 1) Kpaint.
2) Tuxpaint.
3) Xpaint.
4) Gpaint.
5) Killustrator.
6) Graphtool.
Powerful graphic editor in PhotoShop style 1) Adobe Photoshop [Prop]
2) Gimp
3) Paint Shop Pro [Prop]
4) Pixel32 [Prop]
5) Corel PhotoPaint [Prop]
6) Macromedia Fireworks

1) Gimp.
2) ImageMagick.
3) Pixel32. [Prop]
4) CinePaint.
5) RubyMagick.
6) Corel PhotoPaint 9. [Prop]

Programs for work with vector graphics Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, AutoSketch, OpenOffice Draw

1) Inkscape
2) sK1
3) Sodipodi.
4) xfig.
5) Sketch.
6) Karbon14 and Kontour.
7) OpenOffice Draw.
8) Dia.
9) Tgif.
10) Gestalter.
11) ImPress.
12) Tkpaint.
13) Tgif.
14) Corel Draw 9. [Prop]

SVG editor WebDraw [Prop]

1) Inkscape
2) sK1
3) Sodipodi.
4) Dia.
5) Sketch.

SVG viewer 1) Squiggle
2) X-Smiles
3) SVG support in Mozilla

1) Squiggle.
2) X-Smiles.
3) SVG support in Mozilla.
4) SVG support in Konqueror.

Program for text decoration Wordart, OpenOffice Draw OpenOffice Draw.
Program for ASCII-drawing ANSI DRAW, Mazaika 1) CanvASCII.
2) Jave.
3) ANSI Draw.
Converting the graphic files in pseudographics ??? aalib.
Flash playing Flash Player 1) SWF Macromedia Flash Player.
2) Flash Player. [Prop]
3) Plugin for Netscape/Mozilla (download here or here).
Flash creation Macromedia Flash

1) DrawSWF.
2) Ming. (Creating flash swf output from programming languages)

3D-graphics 3D Studio MAX, Maya [Prop], Povray, ... 1) Blender.
2) Maya. [Prop]
3) KPovModeler.
4) K3Studio.
5) Moonlight.
7) Povray.
8) MegaPov.
9) K3D.
10) Wings 3D.
11) Softimage XSI. [Prop]
12) Kludge3d.
The instrument for making the photographic quality scene based of ArchiCAD 3D-models ArtLantis Render ???
Icon editor Microangelo 1) Gnome-iconedit.
2) Kiconedit.
Small program for making screenshots Integrated with system (PrintScreen), Snag it, ... 1) Ksnapshot.
2) Xwpick.
3) Xwd, xgrabsc.
4) Motv (xawtv)
5) Streamer (video)
6) Integrated with window manager (various hotkeys)
Drawing structure diagrams of the database Access

1) Dia.
2) Toolkit for Conceptual Modelling.

Create printed calendars, greeting cards, etc., with clip art collection Broderbund Print Shop ???
Download pictures from digital camera Polaroid Drivers

1) Camera Tool (gtkam)
2) Gphoto2.

4.3) Multimedia (video and other)
Video / mpeg4 players

1) BSplayer
2) Zoomplayer
3) Windows Media Player
4) VideoLAN
5) Winamp3
6) Mplayer
7) RealPlayer
8) Xing
9) Simplayer

1) Mplayer. (Frontend: Kplayer).
(LiveCD distribution of Mplayer - MoviX).
2) Xine. (Frontends: Sinek, Totem)
3) VideoLAN.
4) Aviplay.
5) Winamp3.
6) Noatun.
7) KDE Media Player.
8) XMovie.
9) Kaboodle.
10) MpegTV.
11) Avifile.
12) Xmps.
13) Ogg Tarkin. (???)
14) Theora. (???)

Console video / mpeg4 players QuickView

1) Mplayer.
2) QuickView.

DVD players PowerDVD, WinDVD, MicroDVD, Windows Media Player, VideoLAN 1) Ogle.
2) Mplayer.
3) Xine.
4) Aviplay.
5) VideoLAN.
6) OMS.
DVD rippers / encoders Gordian Knot, Mencoder (from Mplayer)

1) Drip.
2) Transcode.
3) Mencoder. (from Mplayer)
4) Ffmpeg.
5) DVD::Rip.

Simple video creation and editing Windows Movie Maker 1) iMira Editing. [Prop]
2) MainActor. [Prop]
3) Broadcast 2000.
4) Avidemux.
Professional video production enviroment Adobe Premiere, Media Studio Pro 1) iMira Editing.
2) Cinelerra.
3) MainActor.
4) Broadcast 2000.
5) Lives.
6) CinePaint.
7) Heroine Virtual.
Cutting video Virtual Dub 1) Avidemux.
2) Kino.
Converting video Virtual Dub, Mencoder (from Mplayer)

1) Transcode.
2) Mencoder. (from Mplayer)
3) Ffmpeg.

Work with TV-tuner / watch TV AVerTV, PowerVCR 3.0, CinePlayer DVR, Mplayer, ... 1) Tvtime.
2) Kwintv.
3) Xawtv.
4) Zapping.
5) GnomeTV.
6) Mplayer.
7) Xawdecode.
Work with TV-tuner in console - 1) Mplayer.
2) fbtv.
3) aatv.
Work with QuickTime format QuickTime Player 1) QuickTime.
2) Mplayer + Sorenson codec.
3) OpenQuicktime.
4) Xanim.
Creation of 2D and 3D effects Adobe After Effects

1) Shake. [Proprietary, $129.95]
2) Plugins for Gimp.

Animation Animation Shop, ...

1) CinePaint.
2) Plugins for Gimp.

Landscape / terrain generation Bryce Terraform.
World construction World Construction Set, Animatek
World Builder
Framework for developing video applications ???

1) Gstreamer.
2) Live.

5) Office/business.
Office suite MS Office, StarOffice / OpenOffice, 602Software

1) OpenOffice.
2) StarOffice. [Prop]
3) Koffice.
4) HancomOffice. [Prop]
5) Gnome Office.
6) Applixware Office. [Prop]
7) Siag Office.
8) TeX, LaTeX, ...

Office suite WordPerfect Office 2000 WordPerfect Office 2000 for Linux. (No longer available at Corel website. It was Windows version, running under Wine :).
Word processor Word, StarOffice / OpenOffice Writer, 602Text, Abiword 1) Abiword.
2) TextMaker [Prop]
3) WordPerfect.
4) Ted.
5) StarOffice / OpenOffice Writer.
6) Kword.
7) LyX.
8) Kile (KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment).
Spreadsheets Excel, StarOffice / OpenOffice Calc, 602Tab

1) Gnumeric.
2) Abacus.
3) StarOffice / OpenOffice Calc.
4) Kspread.

Graphing / charting data Excel, MicroCall Origin, ...

1) Kivio.
2) Dia.
3) KChart.
4) xfig.
5) Gnuplot.
6) GtkGraph.
7) GNU Plotutils.
8) Ploticus.

Creating presentations MS PowerPoint, StarOffice Presentation, OpenOffice Impress

1) StarOffice Presentation.
2) OpenOffice Impress.
3) Kpresenter.
4) MagicPoint.
5) Kuickshow & gimp :).

Local database MS Access, InterBase6, OpenOffice + MySQL.

1) KNoda.
2) Gnome DB Manager.
3) OpenOffice + MySQL.
4) InterBase7. [Prop]
5) InterBase6.
6) Berkley DB.
7) Rekall. [Prop]
8) StarOffice Adabase.

Receiving the quotings, news, building graphs and analysing of the financial market. Omega Research Trade Station 2000 1) The Market Analysis System (MAS)
Software for e-commerce and web business 1) Weblogic [Prop]
2) IBM WebSphere Application Server [Prop]
3) iPlanet
4) osCommerce
5) JOnAS
1) Weblogic. [Prop]
2) JBoss.
3) IBM WebSphere Application Server. [Prop]
4) osCommerce.
5) JOnAS.
Personal finances manager 1) MS Money
2) Quicken
3) Moneydance [Prop]

1) GNUcash.
2) GnoFin.
3) Kmymoney.
4) Grisbi.
5) Moneydance. [Prop]

Project management MS Project, Project Expert 7

1) Mr Project.
2) Outreach.

Financial accounting package (global)
??? 1) Hansa Business Solutions. [Prop]
2) Quickbooks.
Financial accounting package (russian)
"1C: Accounting" 1) Hansa Business Solutions. [Prop]
2) IceB.
3) "Finances without problems".
4) Ananas.
5) E/AS.
6) 1L: Project.
Financial accounting package (India & Asia) ??? Kalculate. [Prop]
Automation of the enterprise (russian) "1C: Enterprise" 1) Keeper. [Prop]
2) Oblik. [Prop]
3) IceB.
4) Compiere.
ERP/CRM (english) ??? 1) Compiere.
2) Dolibarr.
3) Tutos.
ERP/CRM (russian) "BOSS-Corporation" 1) NauRP.
2) Compiere.
3) Dolibarr.
Corporate docflow system (russian). 1) "Boss-Referent"
2) Documentum
3) "Delo"
4) Lanit:LanDoc
1) NauDoc.
2) Documentum.
3) "Boss-Referent" (without the client part)
6) Games.
Where to get Anywhere you want :). The Linux Game Tome ( | | Kde Games | Linux Game Publishing
The Linux Game List -
Games for Windows, that can be run under WineX - This is a search form, and this is a full list of games (very big).
- Tetris 1) LTris.
2) XWelltris.
3) Emacs + "Meta-X tetris".
4) Ksirtet.
- Standard Windows games

1) Kdegames.
2) Gnome-games.

- Mines 1) KMines.
2) Perlmines.
3) Dmines.
- Civilization FreeCiv.
- Civilization: Call to Power Civilization: Call to Power.
- Sid Meyer Alpha Centauri Sid Meyer Alpha Centauri.
- Sim City 3000 Sim City 3000.
- Command&Conquer FreeCNC.
- Warcraft 2, Starcraft (?) FreeCraft.
- (Win)Digger 1) Digger.
2) XDigger.
- Arkanoid, Zball, ... Lbreakout2.
Quake 1, 2, 3 1) Quake 1, 2, 3.
2) QuakeForge.
3) DarkPlaces.
1) Quake 1, 2, 3.
2) QuakeForge.
3) DarkPlaces.
- CounterStrike CounterStrike under WineX.
- Urban Terror Urban Terror.
DOOM 1) jDoom / Doomsday.
2) Zdoom.
3) DOOM Legacy.
4) LxDOOM.
5) PrBoom.
6) EDGE.
7) Vavoom.
8) Original Doom.
1) jDoom / Doomsday.
2) Zdoom.
3) DOOM Legacy.
4) LxDOOM.
5) PrBoom.
6) EDGE.
7) Vavoom.
8) Original Linux Doom (X11/svgalib).
Heretic 1) DOOM Legacy.
2) jHeretic / Doomsday.
3) Vavoom.
4) Original Heretic.
1) DOOM Legacy.
2) Vavoom.
3) Heretic, GL Heretic.
Hexen 1) jHexen / Doomsday.
2) Vavoom.
3) Original Hexen.
1) Hexen/SDL.
2) Vavoom.
- Heretic 2
Heretic 2.
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein Return to Castle Wolfenstein. [Prop]
- Descent Descent.
- Never Winter Nights Never Winter Nights.
- Unreal Tournament / Unreal Tournament 2003 Unreal Tournament / Unreal Tournament 2003.
- Soldier Of Fortune Soldier Of Fortune.
- Tribes 2 Tribes 2.
- Blood 1 Qblood.
- Worms Nil.
- Lines

1) GtkBalls.
2) gLines.

- MS Flight Simulator FlightGear.
- Lemmings Pingus.
Racing Need For Speed 1) Tux Racer :).
2) KartlingRace.
Chess ChessMaster, ... 1) Glchess.
2) Xboard.
3) Eboard.
7) Programming and development.
IDE 1) Microsoft VisualStudio .net
2) Emacs, XEmacs
3) Vim + ctags + scripts from
4) Boa Constructor
5) PythonCard

1) CodeForge.
2) Kdevelop + Qt3 Designer.
3) Eclipse.
4) Glade + Motor or + Xwpe or + any text editor.
5) Emacs, XEmacs.
6) Vim + ctags + scripts from
7) Boa Constructor.
8) PythonCard.

Visual C++ IDE Borland C++ Builder, MS Visual C
1) Anjuta + Glade + Devhelp.
2) KDE Studio Gold. [Prop]
3) Dev-C++.
4) Kylix. [Prop] (Kylix Personal Edition is free).
5) vtkBuilder.
6) foxBuilder.
7) wxDesigner.
8) Arriba. [Prop]
9) Code Crusader. [Prop]
10) CodeWarrior. [Prop]
11) Gbuilder.
12) Source Navigator.
13) TimeStorm. [Prop]
14) Understand for C++. [Prop]
15) SlickEdit. [Prop]
16) Vide.
C++ IDE Borland Turbo C++ 3.0 for DOS, , Minimalist GNU For Windows (mingw32-gcc.exe)

1) GCC (+ Motor or + Xwpe).
2) LinEdit.
3) Rhide.
4) Wxstudio.
5) Eclipse.

Object Pascal IDE Delphi 1) Kylix. [Prop] (Kylix Personal Edition is free).
2) Lazarus + FPC.
Pascal Pascal, BP 1) Freepascal.
2) GNU Pascal (gpc).
3) RShell (in style of Borland Pascal 7.0)
Basic Basic 1) Hbasic.
2) X-basic.
3) Yabasic.
4) SmallBASIC.
Prolog VisualProlog, Mercury, SICStus Prolog [Prop] 1) GNU Prolog.
2) Mercury.
3) SWI-Prolog.
4) SICStus Prolog. [Prop]
5) CIAO Prolog.
Assembler TASM, MASM, NASM 1) NASM. (Intel syntax)
2) FLAT Assembler.
3) gas. (AT&T syntax, part of binutils).
Disassembler, Reverse engineering SoftIce The source code is open :)
1) ldasm.

1) WinDbg
2) Minimalist GNU For Windows (gdb.exe)

gdb. Frontends:
1) ddd.
2) xxgdb, mxgdb.
3) CGDB.
4) Vim scripts.
5) [X]Emacs C-mode.
6) KMD.
7) NANA. (Library)
WYSIWYG html editor 1) Macromedia Dreamweaver
2) MS Frontpage
3) Netscape / Mozilla Composer
4) Openoffice HTML editor
1) Netscape / Mozilla Composer.
2) Openoffice HTML editor.
3) Amaya.
4) GINF (Ginf is not Frontpage)
5) IBM WebSphere Homepage Builder. [Prop]
Powerful editor for site creating, contains set of samples and can be complemented with every sort and kind of plug-ins Dreamweaver Ultradev ???
HTML / DHTML editor HomeSite, Coffeecup 1) Quanta Plus.
2) Bluefish.
3) WebMaker.
4) Screem.
5) Toppage.
6) WebDesigner.
7) ScriptEditor.
8) August.
9) Coffeecup / Linux.
10) FCKeditor.
HTML / DHTML editor Arachnofilia Arachnofilia. [Prop]
XML Editor XML Spy [Prop] 1) XMLMind XML Editor.
2) Vim.
3) Emacs.
Perl/Python/Tcl IDE ???

1) Komodo. [Prop]
2) Perl Dev Kit.

Java IDE JBuilder, IDEA Link: Java Tools for Linux.
1) Jbuilder.
2) NetBeans.
3) Eclipse.
4) Sun ONE Studio. [formerly Forte]
5) Vide.
J2EE based application server ??? 1) JBoss.
IDE for Oracle Database development T.O.A.D., SQL Navigator, PL/SQL Developer Tora.
CASE-facility for UML ArgoUML, Together ControlCenter [Prop] 1) Umbrello UML Modeller.
2) Dia+Dia2Code.
3) PoceidonCE (community edition).
4) ArgoUML.
5) Together ControlCenter [Prop]
Top-level CASE system Rational Rose. Rational Rose. [Prop]
HEX-editor Hiew 1) Biew.
2) KHexEdit.
3) hexedit (console).
4) GHex.
Clipper compiler and preprocessor CA-Clipper, The Harbour Project 1) Clip.
2) The Harbour Project.
3) xHarbour.
Platform in dot-net style M$ .Net 1) Mono.
2) DotGNU/Portable.NET
Work with CVS WinCVS, TortoiseCVS, cvs for Windows, BitKeeper [Prop] 1) cvs (console).
2) Cervisia (KDE).
3) Lincvs. (Front-end for CVS)
4) BitKeeper. [Prop]
5) SubVersion. (enhanced CVS-like platform + WebDAV -> SCM)
IDE for Interbase/Firebird development IBExpert 1) IBAccess
2) IBAdmin [prop]
3) IBWebAdmin (apache / php)
Visual Basic Visual Basic

1) Phoenix.
2) KBasic.
3) HBasic.
4) Mono.

Graphical libraries 1) WinAPI, MFC, VCL (C, C++)
2) Tk (Tcl, C)
3) Tkinter (over Tk for Python, Perl, etc)
4) wxWindows (C++) (over winapi)
5) wxPython (Python) (over wxWindows)
6) GTK+ (link #2) (C, C++)
7) Qt (C++)
8) FLTK (C++)
9) AWT, Swing (Java)
10) Xaw - part of X-server (C)

If toolkit is oriented on C, usually it's possible to use it from the other languages. There is object bindings for some of them to use them with C++ and other OO-languages. Toolkits, oriented on C++ from the beginning, are impossible to use from C, and quite often - from the other languages.

1) X11/Xext (C) - low level libraries, used by others.
2) Xt - X Toolkit (C) - reference X11 toolkit
3) Xaw - MIT Athena (C) - reference X11 toolkit
4) Xaw3d - MIT Athena 3D (C) - Athena with 3D-view
5) LessTif - opensource analog of Motif 1 (C)
6) OpenMotif (C)
7) Tk (Tcl, C)
8) Tkinter (over Tk for Python, Perl, etc)
9) wxWindows (C++) (over GTK+ - wxGtk or Motif - wxMotif)
10) wxPython (Python) (over wxWindows)
11) Qt (C++)
12) GTK+ (C, C++)
13) PyQt (over Qt for Python)
14) PyGTK (over GTK+ for Python)
15) Gtk::Perl (over GTK+ for Perl)
16) Qt for Perl (over Qt for Perl)
17) GtkAda (over GTK+ for Ada95)
18) FLTK (C++)
19) XView (C)
20) FOX (C++)
21) AWT, Swing (Java)
22) WinAPI and MFC through wine (C)

Source code documentation system ??? 1) Doxygen.
2) CWEB.
Memory leak tracing 1) Numega Bounds Checker
2) Rational Purify
1) MallocDebug.
2) Valgrind.
3) Kcachegrind.
4) ElectricFence.
5) dmalloc.
6) ccmalloc.
7) LeakTracer.
8) memprof.
9) BoundsChecker. [prop]
10) mprof.
11) Insure. [prop]
12) dbx. (for Sparc)
13) YAMD.
14) Njamd.
15) Mpatrol.
Application development profiling (tests code performance) ??? 1) gProf.
2) JUnit. (Java)
Software projecting 1) Rational Rose
2) Enterprise Architec
3) Visio
Game programming 1) DirectX
2) libSDL
3) ClanLib
1) libSDL
2) ClanLib
Everything needed for work with XML Schemas, DTD, XSL/XSLT, SOAP, WSDL (edit, debug, check, etc)
1) Altova XMLSpy Suite
Source code -> HTML-document with highlighted syntax ??? 1) Webcpp.
Bug Tracking System
1) Bugzilla.
Object Request Broker (ORB) 1) ORBIT 1) ORBIT.
1) Autoconf, Automake & Libtool.
Source code indexer and cross-referencer ??? 1) GNU GLOBAL.
2) LXR.
Dynamic tracer of system calls
1) Syscalltrack.
XML C parser 1) libxml (???) 1) Libxml2.
Visual FoxPro
8) Server software.
Web-server 1) Apache
2) IIS
3) Roxen
4) wn
5) cern-httpd
6) dhttpd
7) caudium
8) aolserver
9) Boa
1) Apache.
2) Xitami.
3) Thttp.
4) TUX (Red Hat Content Accelerator).
5) PublicFile.
6) Boa.
7) Caudium.
8) Roxen.
9) Zeus. [Prop]
10) Thy.
FTP-server Internet Information Server, ServU, War FTP, BulletProof FTP server, FileZilla server, ... 1) pure-ftpd.
2) vsftpd.
3) wu-ftpd.
4) proftpd.
5) gl-ftpd.
6) ftp.
7) PublicFile.
8) Teepeedee.
Language for Web-development PHP PHP.
Language for Web-development Perl Perl.
Language for Web-development ASP ASP module for Apache.
Database engine MS SQL, MySQL 1) Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise. [Prop]
2) PostgreSQL. The most advanced open source database.
3) MySQL. The most popular open source database.
4) mSQL.
5) SAP DB.
Database engine IBM DB2 IBM DB2. [Prop]
Database engine Oracle 1) Oracle. [Prop]
2) PostgreSQL.
3) Linter. (cyrillic)
Database engine Informix [Prop] Informix. [Prop]
Database engine Borland Interbase, FireBird FireBird.
Email server MDaemon, Hamster

1) Sendmail.
2) Qmail.
3) Postfix.
4) Exim.

Email / PIM / Groupware server Microsoft Exchange 1) CommuniGate Pro. [Prop]
2) Bynari's Insight GroupWare Suite. [Prop]
3) Samsung Contact. [Prop]
4) Teamware Office. [Prop]
5) Novell Netmail. [Prop]
6) Amphora. (Zope / Qmail).
7) Tutos. (Apache / PHP / Mysql / Sendmail).
8) Kroupware. The project from the KDE PIM developers, which is being financed by the government of Germany.
9) SuSe Linux Openexchange Server. [Prop]
10) PHPGroupware.
11) SCOoffice Mail Server. [Prop] (SCO - m.d. :).
12) LinuXchangE.
13) Groupware Project. (New!)
14) Tiki CMS/Groupware. (Apache / PHP / Mysql).
Mail filter / spam killer cygwin+Exim port 1) SpamAssassin.
2) Procmail.
3) Mailfilter.
4) 褃rus-imap.
5) Exim.
6) POPFile.
Mail downloader MDaemon Fetchmail.
??? Lotus Domino Lotus Domino. [Prop]
Server / router on one diskette. Impossible As much as you want :).
1) muLinux.
2) Dachstein (firewall / dhcp).
3) Serverdisk (http / ftp).
4) Fli4l.
Proxy server MS Proxy Server, WinGate 1) Squid.
2) Paco.
3) Privoxy.
4) Wwwoffle.
5) OOPS.
Server for supporting Java Servlets and JSP, can work with Apache Tomcat Tomcat.
Advanced server statistics 1) AWStats 1) AWStats. (All web-, ftp-, proxy-, mail-, wap- and streaming-servers).
2) ANALOG. (Web-server).
Cluster of servers ??? 1) LVS - The Linux Virtual Server.
Cluster filesystems 1) GFS
1) GFS.
2) OpenGFS.
3) Lustre. (not SAN compatible?)
4) Matrix Server. [Prop]
5) CXFS.
6) GPFS.
7) Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS).
8) Coda.
9) Intermezzo.
10) Convolo cluster.
11) ADIC.
Web Mail ??? 1) IMP.
2) CAMAS. (for Caudium web-server).
9) Scientific and special programs.
Useful links: - Scientific Applications on Linux - many links to both OSS and proprietary applications.
Math system in MathCad style Mathcad Gap.
Math system in Matlab style Matlab 1) Matlab. [FTP]
2) Octave. (+ Gnuplot)
3) Scilab.
4) R.
5) Yorick.
6) rlab.
7) Yacas.
8) Euler.
Math system in Mathematica style Mathematica 1) Mathematica. [Prop]
2) Maxima.
3) MuPad.
4) NumExp.
5) Mathomatic.
Math system in Maple style Maple 1) Maple. [Prop]
2) Maxima.
3) MuPad.
Equation / math editor Mathtype, MS Equation Editor, OpenOffice Math 1) OpenOffice Math.
2) MathMLed.
3) Kformula (Koffice).
4) LyX.
5) Texmacs.
Programs for three-dimensional modeling SolidWorks, ... ProEngineer Linux. [Prop]
Programs for three-dimensional modeling CATIA CATIA. It was designed under Unix, and from version 4 (2000) it was ported under Windows (not too successfully).
Programs for three-dimensional modeling SolidEdge SolidEdge (part of more powerful package Unigraphics).
Engineering ANSYS ANSYS.
CAD/CAM/CAE AutoCAD, Microstation, ArchiCAD 1) Varkon.
2) Linuxcad. [Prop, ~100$]
3) Varicad. [Prop]
4) Cycas. [Prop]
5) Tomcad.
6) Thancad.
7) Fandango (alpha-version).
8) Lignumcad.
9) Giram.
10) Jcad.
11) QSCad.
12) FreeEngineer.
13) Ocadis.
14) PythonCAD.
15) OpenCascade.
CAD/CAM/CAE, simplified AutoCAD Lite Qcad.
Desktop Publishing Systems Adobe PageMaker, QuarkXPress Adobe Framemaker. [Proprietary, cancelled]
Small desktop publishing systems MS Publisher 1) Scribus - Desktop Publishing for Linux.
2) KWord.
Diagram and chart designer Microsoft Visio 1) Kivio (Koffice).
2) Dia.
3) KChart.
4) xfig.
5) Tgif + dotty.
6) Tulip.
7) Poseidon for UML. [Prop & free versions]
8) JGraph + JGraphPad. (Java)
Geographic image processing software Erdas Imagine, ER Mapper, ENVI ENVI.
GIS (Geographical information system) ArcView All projects: FreeGIS Project.
1) Grass.
2) Quantum GIS.
3) PostGIS.
4) FreeGIS.
5) MapQuest.
6) MapBlast.
Interactive Geographic Data Viewer 1) Thuban. 1) Thuban.
Vectorization of bitmaps MapEdit, Easy Trace 1) Autotrace.
Software CNC, controlling machine tools OpenCNC [Prop]


Advanced text processing system in TeX style MikTex, emTeX (DOS) 1) TeX.
2) TeTeX / LaTeX
4) Kile.
Convenient, functional and user-friendly TeX-files / dvi-files editor. WinEdt 1) Kile (KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment).
2) Ktexmaker2.
3) Tk LaTeX Editor.
Statistical Computing Language and Environment S-PLUS R.
Statistical analysis SPSS, Statistica, SalStat

Many links - here.
1) PSPP.
2) OpenStat2.
3) "Probability and Statistics Utilities for Linux users"
4) SalStat.

Econometrics Software Eviews, Gretl

1) Gretl.

Emulation of the circuit 1) Electronic Workbench
2) Altera MaxPlus+
1) Geda.
2) Oregano.
3) Xcircuit.
4) Gnome Assisted Electronics.
Program to draw chemical structures Chemdraw, Isisdraw Xdrawchem.
Downloader and player for Olympus dictophone Olympus DSS Player ???
Market analysis MetaStock ???
Electronics scheme design 1) PCAD
2) OrCad
3) Visio
1) Eagle.
2) Geda.
The oscilloscope emulation Winoscillo Xoscope.
Measurement of the temperature and voltages on motherboard MBMonitor, PCAlert, Speedfan

1) KSensors.
2) KHealthCare (KDE).
3) Gkrellm + plugins + blackbox addons.

S.M.A.R.T-attributes and temperature of the hard disk Come on CD with mainboard, Active SMART 1) smartctl.
2) Hddtemp-0.3.
3) IDEload-0.2.
4) Smartsuite-2.1.
5) Smartmontools.
6) Ide-smart.
7) Smartsuite.
Memory testing SiSoft SANDRA Memtest86.
Program for watching temperatures, fanspeeds, etc SiSoft SANDRA, SiSoft SAMANTHA 1) Ksensors.
2) Lm_sensors.
3) xsensors.
4) wmsensormon and other applets for AfterStep / WindowMaker / FluxBox.
HDD testing / benchmarking SiSoft SANDRA, SiSoft SAMANTHA, IOzone

1) hdparm.
2) Bonnie++.
3) IOzone.
4) Dbench.
5) Bonnie.
6) IO Bench.
7) Nhfsstone.
8) SPEC SFS. [Prop]

Video testing / benchmarking Final Reality
1) X11perf.
2) Viewperf.
Realtime Control SHA Sybera Hardware Access DIAPM RTAI - Realtime Application Interface.
Simulator of nets ???
1) NS.
Neural network simulation
1) Xnbc.
2) Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (SNNS).
"Sensor for LCD" ??? 1) Sensors-lcd.
Electrocardiogrammas viewer ???
1) ecg2png.
A software technology, that turns x86 computer into a full-function PLC-like process controller SoftPLC 1) MatPLC.
Catalog of the software for translators


Linux for translators.
Translation memory

1) Trados Translators Workbench
2) Deja Vu
3) Star Transit
5) OmegaT

1) OmegaT.
Catalog of educational software


1) SchoolForge.
2) Seul / EDU.
Designing and viewing DTDs

NearFar Designer [Prop]

Finity Element Analysis


1) FELT (Finity Element Analysis)
10) Emulators.
Virtual machine emulator 1) VMWare [Prop]
2) Connectix Virtual PC [Prop]
1) VMWare. [Prop]
2) Win4Lin. [Prop, $89].
3) Bochs.
4) Plex86.
5) User Mode Linux.
7) VirtualBox
Linux emulator

1) CygWin.
2) MKS Toolkit.
3) Bash for Windows.
3) Minimalist GNU For Windows.

1) User Mode Linux.
X Window System (XFree) emulator XFree under CygWin. -
Windows emulator - 1) Wine. (GUI: gwine, tkwine)
2) Transgaming WineX. (GUI: tqgui) [NF]
3) Crossover Office.
DOS emulator - 1) DOSBox.
2) Dosemu.
Sony PlayStation emulator ePSXe, ...

1) ePSXe.
2) Pcsx.

ZX Spectrum emulator X128, Speccyal, SpecX, SpecEmu, UnrealSpeccy, ...
1) Xzx.
2) Glukalka.
3) Fuse.
4) ZXSP-X.
5) FBZX.
6) SpectEmu.
Arcade machines emulator ??? 1) MAME.
2) Xmame / Xmess.
3) Advancemame.
advancemenu. ckmame. flynn. gmame. gnomame. grok. grustibus. gxmame. it. it's quit. fancy. kmamerun. kmamu. qmamecat. startxmame. setcleaner. tkmame.
ST emulator 1) Steem.
1) StonX.
2) Steem.
C64 emulator ??? 1) Vice.
2) Frodo.
Amiga emulator ???
1) UAE.
2) WinUAE.
Mac 68k emulator ??? 1) Basilisk II.
Game boy emulator 1) Visual Boy Advance
1) Visual Boy Advance.
2) VGBA. (GUI: vgb-gui)
Atari 2600 Video Computer System emulator

1) Stella

1) Stella.
2) Saint.
NES / SNES emulator 1) Zsnes.
2) Snes9x.
1) Zsnes.
2) Snes9x.
3) FWNes.
4) GTuxNes.
M680x0 Arcade emulator 1) Rainemu. 1) Rainemu.
Multi / other emulators ???
1) M.E.S.S.
2) Zinc.
11) Other / Humour :)
Space simulator 1) Openuniverse.
2) Celestia.
3) Zetadeck.
1) Openuniverse.
2) Celestia.
3) Kstars.
4) Zetadeck.
TV driver - RivaTV.
System, running from CD/DVD without installing (Live CD) 1) Windows PE.
2) PE Builder.
1) Knoppix.
2) Cool Linux.
3) Blin.
4) DemoLinux.
5) DyneBolic.
6) Gentoo (live CD).
7) Lonix.
8) Virtual Linux.
9) Bootable Business Card (LNX-BBC).
10) ByzantineOS.
11) FreeLoader Linux.
12) MoviX.
13) Freeduc CD.
14) SuSE live-eval CD.
15) Freedom Linux.
16) Eagle Linux.
17) Kurumin (Brazilian Portuguese only)
18) Ubuntu Live
19) ALT Linux Live
Boot rescue/tools diskette Windows system diskette 1) Linux system diskette.
2) Tomsrtbt.
3) BanShee Linux.
4) RIP.
Creation of LiveCD for system recovery ??? 1) Make CD-ROM Recovery.
File systems FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, ... Ext2, Ext3, ReiserFS, XFS, ...
Local file systems mount ext2fs (driver), explore2fs (program) - ext2/3 under Windows Linux-NTFS. (driver for NTFS partitions mounting)
Installing software and uninstalling InstallShield, WISE, GhostInstaller, Microsoft Installer - the analog of rpm

1) Rpm.
2) Urpmi.
3) GnoRpm.
4) Nautilus RPM.
5) Apt-get & frontends (synaptic, aptitude, ...).
6) Apt-rpm. (for RedHat, SuSE, ALT Linux, etc)
7) yum (Yellowdog Updater Modified)
8) yum enhanced by ASPLinux.
9) Gentoo Portage

Installing software from source and uninstalling Minimalist GNU For Windows
1) make install, make uninstall
2) CheckInstall.
3) Sinstall.
4) Emerge (Gentoo).
5) Apt-get & frontends (synaptic, aptitude, ...).
System update Windows Update 1) Ximian Red Carpet.
2) Red Hat Network.
3) MandrakeOnline.
4) SuSE YaST Online Update.
5) Caldera Volution Online.
6) Apt.
7) Gentoo ebuilds (portage).
8) Debian GNU/Linux package search.
9) Yum.
Certification MCSD, MCT, MCSE 1) Red Hat Certification.
2) Sair Linux and GNU Certification.
3) Linux Professional Institute Certification (LPIC).
4) Linux+.
5) Prometric.
6) VUE.
Icons on desktop Explorer 1) Desktop File Manager.
2) Idesk.
Work with screensavers Desktop properties 1) xset.
2) xlockmore.
3) xscreensaver.
4) kscreensaver.
Place for keeping "removed" files Trash 1) Trash Can.
2) Libtrash.
Checking the hard disk Scandisk fsck -check or reiserfsck -check.
Not needed with journaled file systems (reiserfs, ext3, jfs, xfs).
Defragmentation defrag Not needed.
GUI of the system Windows Explorer Kde, Gnome, IceWM, Windowmaker, Blackbox, Fluxbox, ...
Windows XP GUI Windows XP XPde.
Multiple workspaces - Yes!!! :).
Fast users / desktop switching Windows XP feature for non- networked computers 1) Ctrl+Alt+F1, login as new user at command-line interface, start GUI by entering command startx - - :1. Switch between screens using Ctrl+Alt+F7 or F8 depending on user.
2) Command "gdmflexiserver -n".
3) Built-in in KDE 3.1.
Flavors of the system 9x, NT, XP RedHat, Mandrake, Knoppix, Debian, SuSE, ALT, ASP, Gentoo, Slackware, Linux From Scratch, ...
Tactics FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) Open Source!
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win".
Source code of the kernel freely available No Of course :)
Command line and scripting 1) :).
2) cmd.exe
3) Windows Scripting Host
4) 4DOS / 4NT
5) Minimalist GNU For Windows
6) Unix tools for Windows (AT&T)
7) KiXtart
8) ScriptLogic [Prop]
1) Bash.
2) Csh.
3) Zsh.
4) Ash.
5) Tcsh.
Free of charge operating system Microsoft Windows. (Imagine yourself that in Russia there are 95% of users having a pirate copy of Windows :). Linux - the Free operating system!!
- Nimda Slapper.
- Wincih, klez, etc No analogs
Backdoors and hidden keys Decide it yourself :). -
Easter eggs, undocumented possibilities Logo with Windows developers, Doom in Excel 95, 3D-racing in Excel 2000, etc, etc... -
The magazines Windows Magazine 1) Linux Journal.
2) Linux Gazette.
3) Linux magazine.
4) Linux pratico (Italy).
5) Australian Linux.
6) Linux Format
- Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD) 1) Kernel panic.
2) Screensaver "bsod" :).
Whom it is necessary to curse for bugs and defects of the system M$, Bill Gates personally 1) Developers of the distribution.
2) All the Linux people and Linus Torvalds personally :).
3) Yourself and your own /dev/hands :)).
- M$.com,
- Bill Gates, "Road ahead" Linus Torvalds, "Just for fun" :).
- Bill Gates, "Business @ the speed of thought" Richard M. Stallman, "The right to read".
The book: "Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman"

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Fiodor Sorex - The coordination and support of the project since Jan-2005, updating the table, html, coding, webmaster, design.

Valery V. Kachurov - The coordination and support of the project till Jul-2003, updating the table, html.
Nesov Artem - The idea of the table and the first version + some corrections and additions.
Timofey Korolev - Hosting.
Visitors of this page - A huge amount of letters with additions, corrections and just good wishes :). Thanks to everyone who contributed to this project!!! (Full list with rating - under construction).