

Sharing Data Among a GUI's Callbacks

The first method, nested functions, seems to work only when you write the GUI programmatically. If you use GUIDE, this may not be easy to implement. In such case, use application data is better.


compile Qt from source code.

Decided to compile from source because I want to have -arch x86_64 -cocoa and -qt-tiff

This target is using the GNU C++ compiler (macx-g++).

        Recent versions of this compiler automatically include code for
        exceptions, which increase both the size of the Qt libraries and
        the amount of memory taken by your applications.

        You may choose to re-run configure with the -no-exceptions
        option to compile Qt without exceptions. This is completely binary
        compatible, and existing applications will continue to work.

Build type:    macx-g++
Architecture:  macosx ( x86_64 )
Using framework: Cocoa

Build ............... libs tools examples demos docs translations
Configuration .......  build_all debug shared dll largefile stl precompile_header mmx 3dnow sse sse2  x86_64 absolute_library_soname  minimal-config small-config medium-config large-config full-config dwarf2 qt3support phonon phonon-backend accessibility opengl reduce_exports ipv6 getaddrinfo ipv6ifname getifaddrs png gif no-freetype system-zlib nis cups openssl xmlpatterns multimedia audio-backend svg webkit script scripttools release debug qt_framework  x86_64
Debug ............... yes (combined)
Default Link ........ debug
Qt 3 compatibility .. yes
QtDBus module ....... no
QtConcurrent code.... yes
QtScript module ..... yes
QtScriptTools module  yes
QtXmlPatterns module  yes
Phonon module ....... yes
Multimedia module ... yes
SVG module .......... yes
WebKit module ....... yes
JavaScriptCore JIT .. To be decided by JavaScriptCore
Declarative module .. no
STL support ......... yes
PCH support ......... yes
MMX/3DNOW/SSE/SSE2..  yes/yes/yes/yes
Graphics System ..... default
IPv6 support ........ yes
IPv6 ifname support . yes
getaddrinfo support . yes
getifaddrs support .. yes
Accessibility ....... yes
NIS support ......... yes
CUPS support ........ yes
Iconv support ....... no
Glib support ........ auto
GStreamer support ... auto
Large File support .. yes
GIF support ......... yes
TIFF support ........ plugin (qt)
JPEG support ........ plugin (qt)
PNG support ......... yes (qt)
MNG support ......... plugin (qt)
zlib support ........ system
Session management .. auto
OpenGL support ...... yes (Desktop OpenGL)
OpenVG support ...... no
ODBC support ........ plugin
SQLite support ...... plugin (qt)
OpenSSL support ..... yes (run-time)
alsa support ........ no

lipo in Mac

lipo is very helpful. Look at the following examples.

$ lipo -info /usr/local/lib/libgd.a
input file /usr/local/lib/libgd.a is not a fat file
Non-fat file: /usr/local/lib/libgd.a is architecture: ppc7400

$ lipo -info /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib
Architectures in the fat file: /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib are: ppc7400 ppc64 i386 x86_64

How to uninstall Qt on Mac.

If you installed the binary file, do the following:

sudo /Developer/Tools/