Using ffmpeg to make movies is much faster than using ImageJ. The followings are the commonly used commands:
>> ffmpeg -r 60 -i %d.jpg -sameq -s vga out.mp4
-r 60 means the frame rate of the movie is 60;
-i %d.jpg: inputs are jpg sequences.
-sameq: make sure that the movie frames are the same quality as the input sequential images.
-s vga: constrains the size of the frames to vga size, which is 640x480.
ffmpeg usage.
compile Qt4.6 on snow leopard.
I had trouble with the binary files, both 4.5 and 4.6Beta. The installer freezes at "validating packages". Finally I decided to compile the source files. The first trial failed with a lot of errors related with tiff files. Then I used the following command and successfully compiled the file.
>> ./configure -qt-libtiff -sdk
>> make
>> sudo make install
So far it seems to work well.
binutils on snow leopard
use the following when config:
>> ./configure --disable-werror
otherwise it won't work.
compile openCV 2.0 on snow leopard
In the command window:
>> CXXFLAGS="-m32"
>> LDFLAGS="-m32"
>> ./configure
After that, do the following:
>> make
>> sudo make install (run as root).
enable root account in Mac (10.6)
The easiest way to enable root is to start a terminal session, and type:
sudo passwd rootYou will be prompted for a new password to enable root access.
If it does not work, following next steps:
- Open the Directory Utility located in
. - Unlock the application by clicking the padlock icon and entering your Administrator login.
- From the Edit menu, select Enable Root User.
- Chose Change Root Password from the Edit menu and chose a password for the root user.
when set the qlabel pixmap, use the following:
How to Build Up a Bulleted List in Apple Keynote ’09