Scim usually use C_space to activate input method, and emacs uses C-space to set mark. This confliction can be solved by changing the shortcut for scim to C_shift_space by using the scim control panel.
use cxoffice to run MS word and Endnote.
Need to start Endnote first, then start the MS word. Otherwise the process will die.
Change the default language of gimp.
The system's default language is Chinese. So when I start Gimp from the menue, Gimp automatically use system default language as its default. But I want to change the default language for Gimp to English. This can be done by "Edit Menue". Click the "start" menue(the K menue), then right click to select "edit menue". Then choose gimp to edit. Here is the picture.
In the command item, add
and save the config. Now if you start gimp again, it will use english as the default language.
Make the research schedule as detail as possible.
I failed to follow the time schedule. The reason for that is I forgot to put details there. When I did the experiments, I found that I forgot to take the treatment time into account. That means I planned to finish in 2 hours, but actually it need four hours, which included 2 hours for treatment before the real experiments. This should be avoided.
Change eps file to fig file.
Xfig is a very nice software. It can edit the vector graph. For me, sometimes I plot curves to eps files, then I want to do some simple modification. It is easy. I just convert the eps file to fig file, then use Xfig to do the modification. After that, if I want I can export to eps again. Then you can use it in your Latex file.
pstoedit -f fig filename.eps > filename.fig
Linux software upgrade.
I lost some data from my previous wiki page. The following suggestions are very general other than specifically for mediawik.
As with all MediaWiki upgrades, the basic premise is the same:
- Check the requirements
- Read the release notes
- Back up existing files and the database
- Unpack the new files
- Run the update script to check the database
- Test the update
MySQL 5.0 install and management.
Can be installed by apt-get. After that need to change the root's password by following:
mysqladmin -u root password 'password'
Then add users inside mysql.
mysql> GRANT USAGE ON *.*
-> to Dave@localhost identified
-> by "password";
The most common use of mysqldump is probably for making a backup of an entire database:
shell> mysqldump --opt db_name
> backup-file.sql
You can read the dump file back into the server like this:
shell> mysql db_name
< backup-file.sql
Openoffice and MS office problems.
When I highled the background using oowriter and save the file as .doc file, I cannot get rid of the background highlight using MS office.
Mutt can not open the mbox.
When I changed the default language to Chinese, then I have such problem. Saying "segment fault" or “段错误”. Fix this problems by adding at the end of .bashrc the following:
export LANG=en_US.ISO-8859-1
export LC_ALL=en_US.ISO-8859-1
This will change the language for the konsole to English. Now use mutt again, the problem disappeared.