(gnome-ssh-askpass:13543): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
While git clone https://dokokanogitrepos/passtuki.git if get the above error.
#$ unset SSH_ASKPASS
(gnome-ssh-askpass:13543): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
Load Microsoft Word Macro
- On the Tools menu, click Templates and Add-ins.
- In the Templates and Add-ins dialog box, click Add.
- Navigate to global_macros.dot, and then click OK.
- The template appears in the Checked items are currently loaded list, and Word automatically selects the check box next to the template name, as shown in this illustration.
count number of lines under linux
Use the following to see how many jobs are submitted.
>> qstat -u username | wc -l
Fiji: install deconvLab
When first download the plugin, it does not work. It is a zip file. Put the zip file into the plugin folder of Fiji. Then unzip it. If you don't unzip it, Fiji cannot load it.
Ubuntu Live CD root password and live session password for default user Ubuntu
sudo passwd ubuntuThen create your password, you will need to already be in Terminal

To create a usable root user’s account on a live cd, you can set the root password then su. This has not been possible in previous versions of Ubuntu as their user model made you remember to sudo before each command requiring root access.
sudo passwd rootIt’s easier just to sudo command for one time use, instead of creating a root user to su to.
As of Ubuntu 9.10, I haven’t been able to login with “demo” or “Ubuntu” as the password for live session username “Ubuntu”.
If you are running most other types of linux like Debian, Red Hat, Mepis, Suse and others, they have an actual root user with an account.
It is easier to gain root access permanently, for these other flavors of Linux click here to learn how.
Dropbox cannot sync problem.
This problem was solved for me by following this article on Dropbox support:
Of which the key details were:
Permissions errors occur more frequently when using shortcuts (Windows), aliases (Mac) or symlinks (Mac/Linux) to sync folders outside of your Dropbox folder.
Often you can resolve the problem by reverting the file's sharing settings using an administrative account. Here's how:
On Mac OS X
The easiest way to fix all Dropbox settings folder permissions in Mac OS X is through the Terminal application. You can run Terminal using Spotlight or find it in the Applications > Utilities folder
Once there, copy and paste the following lines into Terminal one at a time and exactly as it is written and press the return key after each line:
sudo chown -R $USER ~/Dropbox
sudo chmod -R u+rw ~/Dropbox
sudo chown -R $USER ~/.dropbox
sudo chmod -R u+rw ~/.dropbox
You may be prompted to enter your password. Enter the password you use to log in to the computer to permit the permissions change
If you've moved your Dropbox at some point, replace ~/Dropbox in the first two lines with the path to your Dropbox folder.
This command will grant your user account read and write access to all of the files in the Dropbox settings folder. After running these commands, restart your Dropbox and it should be able to sync happily again.
matlab mex
1. be careful with the data type. It messes up instead of telling you that there is some implicit conversion.
use vi to open two files at the same time.
from here
Sometimes you need to edit a new or existing file while looking at a separate file using VI. This can be very useful and a powerful time saver. Fortunately you can do this using some simple commands.
First go ahead and edit a file with VI
shellprompt$ vi test-1.txt
ctr-w j
ctr-w k
:wq whatevername.txt
:new /path/to/whateverfile
mac: move applications to different spaces.
You do not have to view all Spaces to move windows between them (That is, by pressing F8, then using your mouse to drag and drop the desired window to the desire Space location). Nor do you have to drag to a screen edge, wait, then drop. If you like to use your keyboard, here's a fast way to do it.
- Using your mouse, click and hold the window you want to move to another Space.
- While still holding your mouse button down, use your Spaces keyboard shortcut to move to the desired Space. This is usually done by pressing Control and one of the arrow keys.
[robg adds: You can also use this method to move the window directly to a numbered space -- just select the window, then press Control-1, -2, -3, etc. This is my preferred method of moving a window to a space, as it seems by far the quickest.]
source from here
rsync exclude files.
To exclude some directory, check the following:
ITK directory
To configure cmake
It should be "/Users/xxxx/software/InsightToolKitCompiled", where you put your compiled ITK.
Problem with ITK: library not loaded.
dyld: Library not loaded: libITKCommon.3.16.dylib
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/InsightToolkit
/usr/local/lib/InsightToolkit is where the "libITKCommon.3.16.dylib" lives in.
use grep
Recently I am using Mercurial to manage my Matlab codes. I need combine commands "hg" with "grep" to see which files are updated. Here is how it is working:
>> hg status | grep '\.m$'
The above command will give all the .m files without any other junks, such as "*.m~" and other image files.
Install python packages.
Python provides a easy solution to install packages and resolve package dependencies.
Debian Lenny.
Have not used Linux (Debian) for a while. Today, my old computer for my son showed some problem with X windows. I could not start the X server. Tried to reconfigure the Xorg. The Wiki from Debian is very helpful. Followings are the steps I followed.
/etc/init.d/kdm stop
/etc/init.d/gdm stop
/etc/init.d/xdm stop
cd /etc/X11/
Xorg -configure
cd /etc/X11/
Xorg -configure
Run X
apple page customize dictionary
copied from: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=531999
I've converted the all.dic from Medic.zip in the format you need with Pages. A quick test showed that it works.
If you send me your e-mail address, I'll send you the new dictionary file. Click on my name above the atavar and use the e-mail address in the Biography field.
You then only need to join your ~/Library/Spelling/en with the new medic.en:
* Either open both en and medic.en in TextEdit and copy medic.en to the en window, then save the file
Or, if you're familiar with Terminal.all, you could cd to ~/Library/Spelling and use this command:
cat ~/Desktop/medic.en >> en
(I assume that you unzipped the file to your desktop)
If you want to change all.dic by yourself, then you have to replace the line endings with a special character from the en file. The character looks like "^@" but is in fact one character. In the resulting file, the words are all in one line separated by the special character. TextEdit doesn't show this character, so to change all.dic you should use something like emacs that comes with Mac OS X. You can launch emacs in Terminal.app.
vi editor: multiline comment
1. :x,y s/^/# /
The colon is command mode, obviously
x and y is a range of line numbers you want to affect
s is a sed substitution, the caret (^) means the beginning of the line
The sharp (#) is the comment character, again obviously
I put a space after the comment, but it isn't necessary, substitute any string that suits you.
2. Another way to do do this is to visually select the lines you want to comment with shift-v and up and down arrows, then type
:s/^/# /
Easier for blocks of fewer lines.
NB: When you press : vim will add '<,'> to the command line so the final command is:
:'<,'>s/^/# /
Vim: comment multiple lines
Vim Tip: Comment out multiple lines
This tells the selected lines that you wish to substitute the start of the line with the # char.
vim cut past; copy and past
Ever try to cut (or copy) some lines and paste to another place? If you need to count the lines first, then try these to eliminate counting task.
Cut and Paste:
1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the block you want to CUT.
2. Mark it with md
3. Go to the end of the block.
4. Cut it with d'd
5. Go to the new location that you want to PASTE those text.
Press P.
Copy and Paste:
1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the block you want to COPY.
2. Mark it with my
3. Go to the end of the block.
4. Copy it with y'y
5. Go to the new location that you want to PASTE those text.
Press P.
The name of the mark used is related to the operation (d:delete or y:yank).
I found that those mark names requires minimal movement of my finger.
Visual line mode (by shift+v):
delete by: d
Visual block mode (by ctrl + v):
delete by: c
Cool vi
Start to vi as my editor on Mac. It is very cool. Here I just record some of the very useful notes for myself.
1. show line numbers
:set number
one can hide the numbers by :set nonumber
Sharing Data Among a GUI's Callbacks
The first method, nested functions, seems to work only when you write the GUI programmatically. If you use GUIDE, this may not be easy to implement. In such case, use application data is better.
compile Qt from source code.
Decided to compile from source because I want to have -arch x86_64 -cocoa and -qt-tiff
This target is using the GNU C++ compiler (macx-g++).
Recent versions of this compiler automatically include code for
exceptions, which increase both the size of the Qt libraries and
the amount of memory taken by your applications.
You may choose to re-run configure with the -no-exceptions
option to compile Qt without exceptions. This is completely binary
compatible, and existing applications will continue to work.
Build type: macx-g++
Architecture: macosx ( x86_64 )
Using framework: Cocoa
Build ............... libs tools examples demos docs translations
Configuration ....... build_all debug shared dll largefile stl precompile_header mmx 3dnow sse sse2 x86_64 absolute_library_soname minimal-config small-config medium-config large-config full-config dwarf2 qt3support phonon phonon-backend accessibility opengl reduce_exports ipv6 getaddrinfo ipv6ifname getifaddrs png gif no-freetype system-zlib nis cups openssl xmlpatterns multimedia audio-backend svg webkit script scripttools release debug qt_framework x86_64
Debug ............... yes (combined)
Default Link ........ debug
Qt 3 compatibility .. yes
QtDBus module ....... no
QtConcurrent code.... yes
QtScript module ..... yes
QtScriptTools module yes
QtXmlPatterns module yes
Phonon module ....... yes
Multimedia module ... yes
SVG module .......... yes
WebKit module ....... yes
JavaScriptCore JIT .. To be decided by JavaScriptCore
Declarative module .. no
STL support ......... yes
PCH support ......... yes
MMX/3DNOW/SSE/SSE2.. yes/yes/yes/yes
Graphics System ..... default
IPv6 support ........ yes
IPv6 ifname support . yes
getaddrinfo support . yes
getifaddrs support .. yes
Accessibility ....... yes
NIS support ......... yes
CUPS support ........ yes
Iconv support ....... no
Glib support ........ auto
GStreamer support ... auto
Large File support .. yes
GIF support ......... yes
TIFF support ........ plugin (qt)
JPEG support ........ plugin (qt)
PNG support ......... yes (qt)
MNG support ......... plugin (qt)
zlib support ........ system
Session management .. auto
OpenGL support ...... yes (Desktop OpenGL)
OpenVG support ...... no
ODBC support ........ plugin
SQLite support ...... plugin (qt)
OpenSSL support ..... yes (run-time)
alsa support ........ no
lipo in Mac
lipo is very helpful. Look at the following examples.
$ lipo -info /usr/local/lib/libgd.a
input file /usr/local/lib/libgd.a is not a fat file
Non-fat file: /usr/local/lib/libgd.a is architecture: ppc7400
$ lipo -info /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib
Architectures in the fat file: /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib are: ppc7400 ppc64 i386 x86_64
How to uninstall Qt on Mac.
If you installed the binary file, do the following:
sudo /Developer/Tools/uninstall-qt.py
Use dar to backup large directories to multiple DVDs.
I have a large directory of research data. Cannot use tar to do the work because the file size limit of tar is 4G. Finally get dar, which works very well. Use the following to backup
>> sudo dar -s 10M -c test -R / -g /Volumes/DATABACKUP/Research/ -v
The above means: backup all the stuffs in directory /Volumes/DATABACKUP/Research/. Since there are so many files in this directory, dar will make sure that the files it generate is small enough for later use. Here with -s 10M, dar generates files of 10 M. -v is used to display message. -R is used to set the ROOT directory, which is / here. -g restricts the directory to /Volumes/DATABACKUP/Research/.
Doxygen graph interpretation.
Qt and gsl library problem.
ld: warning: in /usr/local/lib/libgsl.dylib, file is not of required architecture
dyld: Library not loaded
After I installed qwt, everything seems to work. However, whenever I execute the program (examples), I got into trouble. When I used Qt creator to open one particular example and build it, I encountered the following error:
dyld: Library not loaded: libqwt.5.dylib
I searched the internet and did not find any easy solution. Proudly I used the following command to fix the problem. It may not be elegant but it works for me.
sudo ln -s /usr/local/qwt-5.2.0/lib/libqwt.5.dylib /usr/lib/libqwt.5.dylib
logout kde desktop from command line.
1. 'killall kdeinit' to logout KDE. 2. 'dcop kdesktop default logout'. This one will popout the logout dialog and ask the user what to do (logout, cancel or reboot). 3. 'dcop ksmserver ksmserver logout 0 0 0 '. If you want to reboot the machine after logout you have 'dcop ksmserver ksmserver logout 0 1 1' | |
kde slow keyboard response
Check the following solution.
Fortunately you can turn it off with just the mouse by going to the K menu; Control Centre -> Regional and Accessibility -> Accessibility -> Activation Gestures, and untick the first box ('Use gestures for activating slow keys and sticky keys'). Also go to the Keyboard Filters tab and untick the 'Use slow keys' box if it is ticked. Press apply and you should be OK.
lock kde screen from command line.
Lock your KDE screen from the command line
January 29th, 2009 by T4L
Did you know you can lock your current KDE screen by using the command line? For the 3.x series use
dcop kdesktop KScreensaverIface lock
and for KDE 4.x try
qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver Lock
With the help of these you should be able to craft a simple shell script that will lock your screen at given actions. For example, you can leave your screen unlocked and make the PC activate the commands above when it detects mouse movement or when a certain application is launched.
Top 10 things that annoy programmer
Copied from http://www.kevinwilliampang.com/2008/08/28/top-10-things-that-annoy-programmers/
Top 10 Things That Annoy Programmers
10. Comments that explain the “how” but not the “why”
1 | r = n / 2; // Set r to n divided by 2 |
2 |
3 | // Loop while r - (n/r) is greater than t |
4 | while ( abs( r - (n/r) ) > t ) { |
5 | r = 0.5 * ( r + (n/r) ); // Set r to half of r + (n/r) |
6 | } |
1 | // square root of n with Newton-Raphson approximation |
2 | r = n / 2; |
3 |
4 | while ( abs( r - (n/r) ) > t ) { |
5 | r = 0.5 * ( r + (n/r) ); |
6 | } |
9. Interruptions
8. Scope creep
Scope creep (also called focus creep, requirement creep, feature creep, and sometimes kitchen sink syndrome) in project management refers to uncontrolled changes in a project’s scope. This phenomenon can occur when the scope of a project is not properly defined, documented, or controlled. It is generally considered a negative occurrence that is to be avoided.
- Version 1: Show a map of the location
- Version 2: Show a 3D map of the location
- Version 3: Show a 3D map of the location that the user can fly through
7. Management that doesn’t understand programming
6. Documenting our applications
5. Applications without documentation

4. Hardware
3. Vagueness
2. Other programmers
- Being grumpy to the point of being hostile.
- Failing to understand that there is a time to debate system architecture and a time to get things done.
- Inability to communicate effectively and confusing terminology.
- Failure to pull ones own weight.
- Being apathetic towards the code base and project
1. Their own code, 6 months later
Don’t sneeze, I think I see a bug.